champagne wrote:Hi Thierry,
Such process can help somebody to get a feeling on the structure of valid puzzles.
Intuitively, I was thinking this way too.
Now, the "design parameters" checkbox on-line capability is at par with my internal experiments.
The intriguing feature is to show the structure of an ideal puzzle (i.e. no extra clue) by removing any clue. Some hard puzzles seems to always have a unique way of coming back to a valid puzzle (re-inserting the removed clue), but other puzzles may be quite different. For instance, starting from this multiple-solution-clue-set
you have 12 options to come up with a valid puzzle.
champagne wrote:Hi Thierry,
May be it would be necessary to identify clearly who can be interested buy such a process knowing that all solvers gives already some possibilities to build a valid puzzle just using the validity check.
Basically, I developed an efficient sudoku solver core and I used it as an example/milestone in the web server project. Since a sudoku solver is not attractive these days, I felt the need to include this puzzle characterization slant. But at the same time, I do not want to give away cpu cycles, thus I refrain from e.g. automated searches for fewer clues in a given puzzle.
So, the basic answer is puzzle generation algorithm designers may use the characterization capability as an ad-hoc investigation tool.
I have currently no incentive to release the core algorithm (and some minor variations of it) for inclusion into other sudoku software.
- Thierry