Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

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Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby tso » Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:38 pm

There are several nice threads with collections of puzzles with specific solving qualities. I propose a sticky-post collecting them with descriptions to keep them in view. They certainly deserve to be seen more, and are more useful than, the "Sudoku's of Shame" thread.

IM me if there is a thread not listed here that you think should or any other suggestions.

NEW: I've added threads of puzzles with something in common other than solving qualities at the bottom of this post.

Low-stepper Puzzles. -- singles only, very few "steps"; many singles available at once.

Inferior Puzzles -- symmetrical puzzles that are solved with singles only, yet require many "steps".

Ulterior Puzzles -- must be solvable without pencilmarks, but more than just singles.

The SUPERIOR thread -- puzzles of similar solving qualities to the London Times Superior (Pappocom Very Hard).

Superior Plus -- a little beyond Superior.

The Effortless Extremes -- include some advanced tactics yet are relatively easy to solve.

The Hardest Sudokus

Looking for some very very very hard sudoku

Benchmark Sudoku List

Let's build a zoo... -- puzzles requiring one advanced tactic sorted by top tactic used.

A tough pattern? -- a few hundred puzzles with the same 20 cell pattern, all very hard.

A Pure X-Wing Collection. -- requiring X-Wing and and singles; fully symmetrical and minimal.

The following threads have puzzles that have something other than solving tactics in common:

Fully symmetrical puzzles

Sudokus with an original rare shape -- Visually interesting clue patterns

The "Almost Lost" thread -- puzzles "treated unfairly" by other threads

17-clue and 18-clue Sudoku update

Complete Sudoku Collection - Vol. 1 -- a complete collection of puzzles of one specific 19 cell pattern.

minimal redundant puzzles? -- puzzles with the least amount of clues such that any one clue can be removed and still leave a vaild puzzle.
Last edited by tso on Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby gsf » Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:00 am

I've posted current best (least # clues vs. # steps) catalogs for inferior and ulterior puzzles here.
For collections it would be nice to have them in a grid form and a
one puzzle per line CSV (comma separated value) form for batch processing.
Ocean maintains low stepper lists for inferior puzzles in the first message
in the low stepper thread.
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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby daj95376 » Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:00 am

gsf wrote:I've posted current best (least # clues vs. # steps) catalogs for inferior and ulterior puzzles here.
For collections it would be nice to have them in a grid form and a
one puzzle per line CSV (comma separated value) form for batch processing.
Ocean maintains low stepper lists for inferior puzzles in the first message
in the low stepper thread.

Do you want the labels maintained in either of these conversions? If not, then I can convert them.
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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby gsf » Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:42 am

daj95376 wrote:Do you want the labels maintained in either of these conversions? If not, then I can convert them.

the puzzles should definitely be labeled
especially with attributions
my solver can convert CSV to the 9x9 grid form
maybe after some ideas on what should be there and the syntax
I prefer #...\n style commentary so programs can elide them
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Postby Papy » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:58 am


I have a new collection of 17 clues grids

At this time 1042 New grids not in GORDON File
But I have no FTP site to publish it
So can I send the file to the site and the site publish it?

Just to verify

The 42 last

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Postby ronk » Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:27 pm

Papy wrote:I have a new collection of 17 clues grids

At this time 1042 New grids not in GORDON File
But I have no FTP site to publish it
So can I send the file to the site and the site publish it?

Just to verify

Firstly, this is not the right thread for your topic. Secondly, since all 43 of your puzzles are equivalents to a puzzle in Gordon's collection of 36628, you've obviously got to learn how to canonicalize (c14n).

In order, the indices in Gordons' collection are:
847, 1095, 1136, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 5290, 7065, 8392, 8925, 10390, 11168, 12382,
12487, 12488, 12489, 12491, 12748, 12749, 12793, 14423, 17355, 17403, 17430, 17876,
18867, 19016, 19337, 21425, 24698, 26512, 28538, 28539, 30846, 31733, 31734, 32752,
33602, 33729, 35282, 35283 and 35755
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Postby Papy » Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:24 pm

Dear ronk I transmit your message to the good destinataire
In France whan somleone write a code and publish the code we use it!!!
File have been c14n with the gsf code
I was in contact directly with him and he give me this command.
sudoku -qFN -u -e V -f%%#0v totot.dat>totot.can

Sorry if thazt command is bad I just have these one. Perhaps and other command after?
But wich beleive I alse reseice this tread

DictNewOK.sdm - 1042 new unique valid Sudokus in your collection.
Congratulations on finding these 1042 new unique 17-clue Sudokus. Not asmany as you expected, but still a remarkable achievement.

This message was from RUUD

Be careful with Colin he also find goods grids

gsf,Ruud,colin who can I beleive?

Ronk of course If I was a coder I explain to runk that he perjhaps have a
difficulty and perhaps a bug in his program.
If I was a coder I tell him that my grids have the same disposition of clue that some in the gordon file but not the same digits: not by swapping value numero to other but Changing only ONE digit. Coder speak of intouchable: a little like these

Code: Select all

But I'm here from learn...


PS Not in the good ttred ?
Thanks don't tell me in witch!
But i make you a promess TOMORROW I send you file made with my second generatot perhaps your code find them goods!
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Postby gsf » Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:40 pm

Papy wrote:Dear ronk I transmit your message to the good destinataire
In France whan somleone write a code and publish the code we use it!!!
File have been c14n with the gsf code
I was in contact directly with him and he give me this command.
Code: Select all
sudoku -qFN -u -e V -f%%#0v totot.dat>totot.can

the command above filters out invalid puzzles -- it only lists valid puzzles from total.dat
use c instead of v to canonicalize
if this was a typo on my part I apologize
use this to filter out invalid puzzles and canonicalize:
Code: Select all
sudoku -qFN -u -e V -f%%#0c totot.dat>totot.can

after this sort/uniq totot.can and then compare it against a canonical/sorted gordon17 file
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Postby Pat » Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:39 pm

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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby denis_berthier » Sat Nov 20, 2021 6:07 am

It seems this thread hasn't been updated for a long time. Here's one more collection of interest, the controlled-bias collection, containing almost 6M puzzles:
It's old (2009) but I was merely unaware of this thread.

It is NOT unbiased (no known collection is unbiased) but:
- every sub-collection restricted to a fixed number of givens is unbiased
- the bias wrt to the number of givens is known, which is good enough to allow any statistical computations.

I have used this collection intensively for several estimates, for computing the estimated number of minimal puzzles, for comparing ratings associated to various resolution rules and for estimating the resolution power of these rules.

Note that the same link also provides:
- the W ratings of all the puzzles;
- the SER ratings of the first ~1M puzzles;
-generators of bottom-up, top-down and controlled-bias collections (note that the last one is intrinsically slow).

For a much smaller (also controlled-biased) sub-collection of the first 21375 puzzles, including many more ratings, see the Examples/Sudoku/cbg-000 folder in CSP-Rules: https://github.com/denis-berthier/CSP-Rules-V2.1

[Edit]: If it wasn't clear enough, the solving quality of this collection is, it is not biased in favour of any special patterns.[/end endit]
[Edit 2024 March 04]: I've largely edited and extended the results for this collection on GitHub.
It is now organised into folders containing independent "small" controlled-bias collections and their results, which will make it easier to use smaller parts of the global collection.
Each folder also contains all full W, B, gW, gB, SER and FPGXnoU ratings.
Instead of global lists of puzzles and ratings, scripts are given to assemble them from the "small" collections. This also allows to assemble collections of varying sizes.[/end edit]
Last edited by denis_berthier on Mon Mar 04, 2024 6:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby sophie333 » Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:07 am

thanks for informaton
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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby tenii5 » Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:38 pm

This collection has been heavily utilised by me to make multiple estimations, including calculating the projected number of basic puzzles, comparing ratings for different resolution rules, and calculating the resolution power of those rules

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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby sudokuvalleyvenusrye » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:42 pm

That's a lot! Interesting.
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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby sudokuvalleyvenusrye » Mon Jul 03, 2023 9:43 pm

Thank you for this!
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Re: Puzzle collections sorted by solving qualities

Postby denis_berthier » Fri Sep 08, 2023 4:39 am

The last four posts of this thread are clearly spam (+ plagiarism of my last post for tenli5). If there's still any administrator/moderator here, you can delete them (+ the present one).
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