sudopedia mirror article on w-wingit's a bilocation with 2 bivalue cells sticking out of it. in your grid as shown, there are 2 bivalue cells 58 in r3c5 and r7c9. there's a strong link of 8 in c4, which is weakly linked to both bivalues. if the 8 in r1c4 is true, that forces 5 to be true in r3c5; and if the 8 in r9c4 is true, that forces 5 to be true in r9c7. either way, at least one of r3c5 and r9c7 must be a 5.
that means you can get rid of 5 in any cell that can see both things, so here r3c7 can't be a 5.
see if you can find the 2nd w-wing 10 cells later in this puzzle. i stuck the name "thingy" after it because this is a jigsaw and not a standard puzzle
to find these things by hand, i find it easier to spot the two bivalue cells first, like a naked pair "in the wrong place", then search for a bilocation