Practicing specific techniques

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Practicing specific techniques

Postby pyrogerg » Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:18 pm

I'm struggling to move from an intermediate to an advanced level of solving, and I feel like what is holding me back is a lack of experience with some advanced techniques. Is there a web site or iOS app that provides practice with specific techniques? For example, say I want to work on empty rectangles. I'd like to be presented with a sudoku grid where I know only that there is an empty rectangle to be found. Once I've found it, I'd like to be presented with another grid containing an empty rectangle. As a new member of this forum, I apologize if this question has been answered before. I've looked and not found it.
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Joined: 05 January 2021

Re: Practicing specific techniques

Postby Leren » Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:47 am

Here is a list of puzzles that solve with 4 cell X chains of various sorts :

Code: Select all
#0400: Skyscraper
...28.754.9.4.38............397..28.84......3.5.....7...8..1.9......5..23.6...... # s sk(4) s
...........19.2.6......679.9.2...6..37....95...5.....414...3..57.9.24......8..... # s sk(4) s
2.......6.4.......5.7918........3.......8..1.7.3..9.....23.784..85...1..9......5. # s sk(4) s
..56.8..33...5.....67..............1.82.145....6........45....77..96..1....1...2. # s sk(3) s
....41...5.67.2..1.2........4.9....2..9.586436..........41....57...8.....5......9 # s sk(3) s
..9..35...627.....17...8.....6.....55....... # s sk(3) s
.92.3.14737.....69......3....7......4....2......4..23..6..45....8.39...2....1.98. # s sk(3) s
.23..49...5..1.4.....52...... # s sk(3) s
.865.........4...8.9...2.......1....4..7....59......1......5.63...18.9..65..9.8.4 # s sk(3) s
.1..9.......68..2.2...........35..9..7...98.3...2....4..316...54.8...1........7.. # s sk(3) s
....2......... # s sk(1) s
.3......4..67......79.4.2..36............5...7..4.23......2..96...374..1.2..5.... # s sk(1) s
..1.....9.8.9...32..2173....2.............27..148..6......9........5..6319...7... # s sk(1) s

#0401: 2-String Kite
.56.7.9...4.62..8.28...........8....73....618..5....2...........7.5...49....487.1 # s 2sk(1) s
.617....5842.95....5..6.4.........3..25........41...26..........8.....672.....349 # s 2sk(1) s
32..479.6..6........5.9..3.....7.......9.1..5..28..7.........7.6.3..4....5..26143 # s 2sk(1) s
.81.2............9..68...4...31..7....8.57916........45....6.9223...84........... # s 2sk(1) s

#0402: Empty Rectangle
7...56.381.842.............5..3......4..8.7....1...24...3.........1....5.5...7.6. # s er(1) s
..86........759...6..1...9.......83.9.6.....5..24.5.....5..438.3.18.2..6......2.. # s er(1) s
.3.8...7..48...1....745..69...74.951..4......7...2........1.....25.7...36.....7.. # s er(1) s
5.......3.....897.697.5...........287.3.1..........1....9..1357..8765......49.... # s er(1) s
47...........2...78..5..34..6..7..8...9.45..3.8......2741..32............9.2...5. # s er(1) s

#0403: Turbot Fish
2.4..3587.3......2..8..6.............2...4.39....9...659........4.5... # s tf(1) s
29.5..........3.......9.3.5...6.84..826.3.5..3.....9....534..21.17..264.......... # s tf(1) s
.....6..3...3...471.6..92....27.4............6....21.9..96......459....8....4.... # s tf(1) s
.....75...4.2....316..........8.....6.213..87.7...9...2.5..39......92..1..97..... # s tf(1) s
...1.3.9..3..9..........5...5...7..26.7....3.14.2.....8.......79..514.......2.4.. # s tf(1) s
5..39..81..3.6.....1.2........7.......29...581...5..9.8.5....6.........99....871. # s tf(1) s
..1..8.42.3....15.6.....8..........7...4.......4.63.98.............2..1595.7..36. # s tf(1) s
9......35.6..7..89325.9.........1..3......894.5.8...1.....2.......5.....2.74.31.. # s tf(1) s
9....5..... # s tf(1) s
.....8..7....496...8.5...........5..7...349.........349......562....34...4..7...8 # s tf(1) s
89.....7.......3.41..6.3....8..2...3.29.367..6............68......2.75..9.5..4..8 # s tf(1) s
............29..5...275493..7.3..8.52..9............6.4.....79...64...23823...... # s tf(1) s
9....8.....7.4...8.843.....16.59......5..........8..724...518.6....3.4.........9. # s tf(1) s
..7......5....4.29.4...1.7.25.........4....9....1.38....6.4...3.8..7.1.....6...82 # s tf(1) s

You can also find an explanation of these techniques here.

Posts: 5132
Joined: 03 June 2012

Re: Practicing specific techniques

Postby yzfwsf » Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:55 am

pyrogerg wrote:I'm struggling to move from an intermediate to an advanced level of solving, and I feel like what is holding me back is a lack of experience with some advanced techniques. Is there a web site or iOS app that provides practice with specific techniques? For example, say I want to work on empty rectangles. I'd like to be presented with a sudoku grid where I know only that there is an empty rectangle to be found. Once I've found it, I'd like to be presented with another grid containing an empty rectangle. As a new member of this forum, I apologize if this question has been answered before. I've looked and not found it.

My solver have this function. It can generate puzzles that contain specific techniques.
Posts: 924
Joined: 16 April 2019

Re: Practicing specific techniques

Postby pyrogerg » Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:27 pm

yzfwsf wrote:My solver have this function. It can generate puzzles that contain specific techniques.

That looks great! Will it run on a Mac?

I'm having trouble getting the program, in any case. I can't find a clear download link for it. Fortunately, after reading through the forum discussion you linked, I had the idea to try Hodoku, which I discovered also has the ability to generate puzzles requiring a given technique and optionally solved up to the point that the technique is required. So I think I've found what I needed. I'd still be interested in trying your program, however. Thanks for your help!
Posts: 2
Joined: 05 January 2021

Re: Practicing specific techniques

Postby yzfwsf » Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:35 am

pyrogerg wrote:That looks great! Will it run on a Mac?

I'm having trouble getting the program, in any case. I can't find a clear download link for it. Fortunately, after reading through the forum discussion you linked, I had the idea to try Hodoku, which I discovered also has the ability to generate puzzles requiring a given technique and optionally solved up to the point that the technique is required. So I think I've found what I needed. I'd still be interested in trying your program, however. Thanks for your help!

The download link is at the end of first post.

Hodoku is really good. My solver can only run on Windows system. Maybe it can run on MAC 32 bit system when using wine. However, my solver has some techniques that Hodoku does not have, such as MSLS, Junior Exocet, Senior Exocet, Broken Wing, Bi-value Oddagon, ERP and so on.
Posts: 924
Joined: 16 April 2019

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