I believe i have now fixed my short-commings.
I thought of a very fast, always unique method of writing sudoku problems of high difficulty.
My Aim here, was to create a sudoku puzzle that were as difficult as possable, while having only one possable solution.
Last time, my failing as a setter, was not beeing able to create extremely difficult puzzles with only one solution.
So please dont give me negative feedback if the puzzle is too difficult.
i would like to know please...
How difficult are these puzzles, if you attempt one of them, how long did it take you ?
and what techniques did you need to employ to solve the puzzle ?
if you attempted and failed, even better, le me know which one you attempted, and what your skill level is
here are a few that i wrote myself.
- Code: Select all
| 1 | 4 |93 |
|249| | 7 |
| |7 | |
|1 6| 5 | |
| |9 | |
|958| |74 |
| 1|43 | 9 |
|5 | 9| 1|
| | 6|3 2|
- Code: Select all
| |864|52 |
| |1 |8 |
|6 |3 |419|
| |4 2|6 3|
| 5 | |1 4|
| 8 |9 | |
| 3| | |
| | 3 | |
| 9| 8| 45|
- Code: Select all
|7 | 2| 5|
| 2|1 | |
|4 |79 |1 |
|2 |3 | |
| | 85| |
|18 | 9| 7|
|5 8| 4 | 1|
| 6| |2 |
| | 6|859|
I appologise if the formatting is bad