Please help. I have no idea how to solve this...

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Please help. I have no idea how to solve this...

Postby Chakthi » Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:23 pm

I _ T__I__F

That is a standard 9x9 grid. I used the underscore(_) for blanks. I know the keyword is FINDFIRST and the use of repeat letters is allowed. I have tried to use every solver out there and they all insist on 9 distinct letters in order to work. I thought of assigning the second F and the second I another letter, but since I don't know which Fs and Is are the first or second in the given puzzle, I decided that wasn't an option. I wonder if one of you very smart people would be kind enough to figure this out for me? I know absolutely nothing about Soduko, let alone using letters (and multiples at that!) to solve the puzzle. Thanks in advance for anyone that solves this for me. It's just something where I don't even know where to begin...
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