As briefly explained in my previous and first post, I have investigated a deep and global structural property which seems to be closely related to the Tridagon rule developed by Denis Berthier and which I have called "3-PIPs_Par" for reasons that will become clear later on. Preliminary definitions are needed to explain it.
Let's first define "pseudo-independent" positions (or "PIPs") in a block as positions within this block which do not share any row nor any column.
There are two ways of completely dividing a block into 3 triplets of PIPs, each of these triplets being from now on denoted as "3-PIPs".
One of the two ways of dividing a block into 3-PIPs uses three "odd" 3-PIPs, while the other uses three "even" 3-PIPs. The terms "odd" and "even" as used here refer to a property of symmetry of the links that each of the 3-PIPs builds between the rows and the columns of its block. More specifically, if the positions belonging (/ not belonging) to a 3-PIPs in a block are coded by "1" (/ respectively by "0"), and if these codes are read line by line in the block they belong to, the three odd 3-PIPs have the following names and signatures : XX1 (100-010-001), ZY1 (001-100-010) and YZ1 (010-001-100), and the three even 3-PIPs have the following names and signatures : ZZ2 (001-010-100), XX2 (100-001-010), and YY2 (010-100-001).
Let's now select ANY SET of 4 blocks located in a grid at the 4 corners of a square or of a rectangle, and ANY 3-PIPs in EACH one of these 4 blocks.
As you have already guessed, the "3-PIPs_Par" property deals with the parity of the 3-PIPS selected, and simply reads as follows : IF THE NUMBER OF ODD 3-PIPS AMONG THE FOUR SELECTED 3-PIPS IS ITSELF ODD, THEN THESE FOUR 3-PIPS CANNOT CONTAIN THE SAME TRIPLET OF FIGURES. As a result, if the 12 PIPs of these four 3-PIPs initially contain the same triplet of candidates, then this configuration has no solution as it stands (i.e. without additional information).
This property may in fact be viewed as of topological nature. Indeed, when the number of odd 3-PIPs is also odd, the paths that materialise the mutual influences between the 12 PIPs along the rows and columns of the blocks have themselves an odd number of crossings. This leads to an increase in the constraints imposed by the basic Sudoku rule of uniqueness, up to the point where this rule can no longer be satisfied with 3 figures only.
Although general, this result is in fact only of moderate use insofar as the frequency of triplets of identical figures arranged as PIPs (i.e. in pseudo-independent positions) in several blocks located at the corners of a square or rectangle is not very high.
Fortunately, the notion of 3-PIPs is rich enough to be applied to pairs of figures, and therefore to much more frequent and useful configurations.
New definitions are required to explain why and how.
Let's define any set of four blocks located in a grid at the corners of a square or rectangle as a Q_Block, and let's call a Q_3-PIPs a set of four 3-PIPs, each one of which is selected in a corresponding block of a Q_Block.
If the number of odd 3-PIPs in a Q_3-PIPs is odd, then this Q_3-PIPs will itself be qualified as odd.
In fact, odd Q_3-PIPs have a very nice property : not only the paths that materialise the mutual influences between the 12 PIPs of an odd Q_3-PIPs along the rows and columns of the blocks have themselves an odd number of crossings, but these paths always contain one simple rectangular loop.
Now, simple rectangular loops act as neutral elements with regard to the parity of the number of crossings. In other words, the removal of a simple rectangular loop from the paths that materialise the mutual influences between the 12 PIPs of any Q_3-PIPs (either odd or even) may reduce the number of crossings but cannot change the parity of this number.
Therefore, every odd Q_3-PIPs can readily be transformed into an odd Q_2-PIPs by just removing its simple rectangular loop.
In other words, if an odd Q_2-PIPs is defined as an odd Q_3-PIPs, the simple rectangular loop of which has been removed, then we get the following new general rule : THE FOUR 2-PIPS OF ANY ODD Q_2-PIPS CANNOT CONTAIN THE SAME PAIR OF FIGURES.