Phistomefel's Theorem (sometimes also called
Phistomefel's Ring) stipulates that if we divide any solved sudoku grid like this:
- Code: Select all
then the contents on A equal the contents on B+C. In other words, if we know which digits go exactly on region A, those exact same digits will appear on B+C, and vice versa.
Further explanation on this can be found here:
Neuer (?) Fund über Sudoku-GeometrieNote: Probably this isn't news to you, but I couldn't find another topic about this hereThis can probably be used on classic sudoku as a way to spot fishes like
keith's technique, but where this property really shines is on figure-based sudoku variants like Killer, Arrow, etc.
I've seen some killer sudokus where JSudoku needs recursion with +30 guesses to find the solution, and a human can find it with a pretty straight-forward path using this technique (more on that later).
Furthermore, computers could use this technique in a more generalized way: columns, rows and stacks can be swapped, giving other patterns that are still perfectly valid since permutations don't affect the theorem, they simply move the regions around. The only distinction between B and C appart from the distinction used to prove the equality is that C shares a box with A; that difference is often omitted to simplify the possible patterns. A human can easily spot the symmetric ones, but there are exactly 729 (3^6) unique patterns.
- Code: Select all
..B...B.. Default
..B...B.. Swapping r23
..B...B.. Swapping r13
BBB.C..C. Swapping c23-c78-r23-r78-c{123|456}-r{123|456}
You can download the full list here:
phistomefel.txtThis is an
example I made some days ago:
Anti-King Little Rose (the Anti-King restriction must be included manually on JSudoku)

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JSudoku can only find 4 digits using "Deduce All Moves", and requires 13 guesses with "Recursively Solve", 20 if we use recursion from start.
But here's how it can be solved using this trick:
Solution path (first steps): Show We use this pattern, which is symmetrical, therefore not hard to spot by a human:
- Code: Select all
.B.....B. Swapping r23-c23-r78-c78
The crucial point here is the 8-cages are {125} or {134} so they can't have a 6 or higher, and the 22-arrows are {679} or {589} so they can't have a 4 or lower.
Now it shouldn't be hard to see that {679} is impossible in an arrow because it uses two "non-fillable" cells using the BC region at once, that would mean another of the arrows must also be {679} making the disbalance even higher. In other words, all 22-arrows are {589}.
Not only that, but if 5 is in the middle (C) of an arrow then we are defining on the A region two "non-fillable" cells at once again. Also, there will be four 5s in the A region which can only come from the 8-cages. All the 8-cages must be {125}.
That means we have this.
- Code: Select all
12 . 589 . . . 589 . 12
. 89 . 125 125 125 . 89 .
589 . 12 . . . 12 . 589
. 125 . . . . . 125 .
. 125 . . . . . 125 .
. 125 . . . . . 125 .
589 . 12 . . . 12 . 589
. 89 . 125 125 125 . 89 .
12 . 589 . . . 589 . 12
and from there there are various ways to proceed, the more obvious one is the 19-cage.
We still don't have any digit, but as a comparison, if we use that as a starting point on JSudoku, it can solve it without recursion and without many hard steps:
- Code: Select all
79 Naked Single
2 Hidden Single
3 Unique Pair
5 Naked Pair
3 Hidden Pair
5 Unique Triplet
3 Intersection
3 Naked Triplet
1 Hidden Triplet
1 Odd Pairs
3 Odd Triplets
1 Conflicting Pair
4 Quadruple Innies & Outies
1 Pointing Pair
1 Generalized Naked Subset
5 Turbot Fish
1 Y-Wing