Personal solving style

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Personal solving style

Postby yossk1 » Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:41 pm

I have just started doing Sudoku, and, of course, I love it. The book I learned from taught a solving style that is very linear (up and down, like a crossword), but after solving a few puzzles on my own, I discovered that "solving the boxes" works better for me. Of course, with the more difficult ones, I do need to check the rows and columns, but I still think "inside the box". I wonder what this says about my personality and intelligence type.
How do YOU think Sudoku?
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Joined: 30 January 2006

Postby TKiel » Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:50 pm

Yossk 1,

I think it says more about your field of vision, than your personality type or intelligence. I find it much easier to spot things in boxes and rows than in columns. Maybe an eye in the middle of the forehead and one in the chin would be useful for spotting stuff in the columns. Of course there does come a point in some puzzles where spotting stuff either in boxes, rows or columns won't work because the pattern lies in 4 different boxes or in 3 rows and 3 columns. Maybe we need eyes like insects.

Posts: 209
Joined: 05 January 2006

Postby yossk1 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:20 pm

TKiel wrote:Yossk 1,

I think it says more about your field of vision, than your personality type or intelligence. I find it much easier to spot things in boxes and rows than in columns. Maybe an eye in the middle of the forehead and one in the chin would be useful for spotting stuff in the columns. Of course there does come a point in some puzzles where spotting stuff either in boxes, rows or columns won't work because the pattern lies in 4 different boxes or in 3 rows and 3 columns. Maybe we need eyes like insects.


Lol! You are probably right. I think the initial directions I got for Su doku were a bit too simplistic. Btw. I am from Kalamazoo originally, but now live in Texas.
Posts: 2
Joined: 30 January 2006

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