Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Postby coloin » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:17 pm

Code: Select all

A Pearl is a minimal sudoku where the first solvable cell is difficult to solve. The more difficult, the greater the pearl and its value.

Im following the patterns game 1.5, but im struggling to sortout my pearls !
Ive tried to put this pattern in the patterns game, but g.r.emlin doesnt let me.

As a diversion I posted this puzzle on the hardest thread, as I liked the number combinations.
Code: Select all
+---+---+---+ SE 10.6, -q1-95127, s8 M2, Sx9-977  Sxt-668  [6.7 Pearl?] [col-0801-01]

Its not that spectakular at SE 10.6 and I thought the first step was a 6.7...........except it is the first clue insertion which is the relevant one.

SE doesnt really want to insert any clues therefore what is the pearl rating on this puzzle please.:?:

And gsf's command line:?:

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Postby gsf » Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:54 pm

coloin wrote:Im following the patterns game 1.5, but im struggling to sortout my pearls !
Ive tried to put this pattern in the patterns game, but g.r.emlin doesnt let me.

only players in the current game can submit pearls
and pearls can only be submitted to an open game

are you trying to submit this as a new pattern or as a submission for the current game?
if its a new pattern what was the pm response from g.r.emlin?

these options will list the SS perl index, strong==99, weak>2
Code: Select all
-S -qss+G -f%#Pq
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Postby coloin » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:09 pm


Code: Select all
+---+---+---+ Pearl 99 [col-0801-01]

i subjected the the pm pattern

and the line of text was 7.......9.6.....2....9.8.....91.28......3......24.51.....8.3....7.....6.8.......1 ER=1.5

I thought it might be an old pattern - but couldnt find the list !

but I got a rejection, it didnt say why ! [Ive deleted it !]

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Postby m_b_metcalf » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:46 pm

coloin wrote:I thought it might be an old pattern - but couldn't find the list !

but I got a rejection, it didn't say why ! [I've deleted it !]

It's very similar to this and to another later in the first game.


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Postby tarek » Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:01 pm


I must confess that I'm partly to blame for adopting the term "Diamond" to describe a difficult 1st move in the Patterns game ....

As I just Re-discovered: gurth defines a Turquoise as a puzzle with a difficult 1st move while udosuk reserved the "Diamond" for puzzles with M>1 under a certain technique set.

If I knew it at the time, then rectifying the problem would have been easier. Apologies for the confusion that this has caused for readers of this thread.

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Postby David P Bird » Thu May 21, 2015 11:00 am

Some housekeeping regarding Emeralds

In a different thread, 12 days after his definition in the opening post, Gurth <redefined> his EMERALD term as a puzzle having a symmetrical SOLUTION.

Puzzles presented as Emeralds therefore offer a range of additional solving methods titled Emerald Eels, Emerald Turbot Fish, Emerald Unlocking Rectangles, & Emerald Unlocking Parallelograms which are described <In the first two posts here>, and allow puzzles to be composed with less than 17 clues.
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