Pattern-proper puzzles

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Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby tdillon » Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:53 am

Hi all,

Today I came across an interesting note on math stackexchange in reply to an old question on whether the clues of a proper sudoku can have fewer than 8 distinct digits. The longstanding accepted answer, and the one conventionally given, is "no". However, a new reply proposed an alternative definition of uniqueness that would treat solutions differing only in re-labelling of the missing digits as the same. That is, the task is to find 9 patterns or templates, each comprised of 9 cells obeying the usual exactly-one constraints, where together they cover all 81 cells of the board, and where no pattern covers more than 1 distinct digit given as a clue. The puzzle has a unique solution if there is only one set of 9 patterns that achieves this, ignoring labels. Put another way, if there are N distinct digits in the clues of a puzzle, then the puzzle has a unique solution under this definition iff it has exactly (9-N)! conventional solutions.

Suppose we call puzzles with unique solutions under this defintion as "pattern proper puzzles". The first question this raises is, of course, how few distinct digits a pattern proper puzzle can have in its clues. From some brief search it looks like all grids probably admit pattern-proper puzzles with 7 distinct digits, most grids (90%+) admit them with 6 distinct digits, and a very small fraction admit them with 5 distinct digits. I didn't look for 4, but that seems unlikely.

Here is an example with 5 distinct digits:

Code: Select all

Has a variant like this been discussed before? Has anyone explored the distinct digit limit either theoretically or empirically but more exhaustively? Has anyone explored the difficulty of such puzzles or developed theory or techniques for how such puzzles might be solved in a logical manner?

The first idea that springs to mind is that if you can prove that a cell can't contain any digit already present somewhere on the board then you can fill it with an arbitrary choice from the currently missing digits. In this way you may be able to convert the puzzle incrementally or all at once to a normal sudoku. For example, in the puzzle given above row 6 already contains clues 1,3,4,5. And we can exclude '2' from 3 of the blank cells in the row. So we might immediately place 6,7,8 in these cells, and now we have a conventional sudoku with 8 distinct clue digits. So this puzzle is pretty easy (or at least its difficulty doesn't arise from the missing digits). But maybe these can be much harder, and can involve interesting new classes of uniqueness inferences.

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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby dobrichev » Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:58 am

Hi Tom,

In this post in Fruitless Sudoku Discoveries thread you can find some results on exhaustive searching related to the subject.

Looking at the leftmost 3 columns of the table, you see that the 181 2-templates form 170 2-rookeries and so on.
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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby coloin » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:32 am

Code: Select all
+---+---+---+   Your example with 21 clues has 24 essentially the same solutions  [4x3x2x1] [the minimum]

+---+---+---+   expands with singles to 45 clues

3 clues can be added to give 2916 ED 24C puzzles
any valid combination of 6,7 and 8 will solve the puzzle - in a box or row for example.
because its the minimum, inserting a six places the other 8 sixes, inserting a seven places the other sevens... and any 8 or 9 solves it.

From the original 21C clues plus 3 - up to 3 clues can be removed.
Code: Select all
+---+---+---+   out of all those, this is the only minimal puzzle with 21C  [SE 7.6]

So this might be the puzzle which satisfies your requirements
Code: Select all
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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby tdillon » Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:48 pm

dobrichev wrote:Hi Tom,
In this post in Fruitless Sudoku Discoveries thread you can find some results on exhaustive searching related to the subject.
Looking at the leftmost 3 columns of the table, you see that the 181 2-templates form 170 2-rookeries and so on.

Thanks for the link! Maybe it would be better to use the term “Rookery Puzzle” for these (if a term doesn’t already exist) since the solution counts as unique if there is only one set of 9 1-rookeries meeting the constraints.

From your table:

For k=2 most k-rookeries have a single k-template, so we should expect the vast majority of grids to have some 2-template that is the unique ED completion of its associated 2-rookery and that enables construction of an RP whose clues are drawn only from the complementary 7-template. This would only fail if all 36 2-templates of the grid are confined to the 11 (or fewer) rookery classes that have more than one template completion. I’d guess when this happens (if it happens) it would be in a structured case similar to the most canonical grid (which, if I understand correctly, has just 2 rookery classes, though one of these has just one ED completion).

For k=3 there are on average 2.8 template classes per rookery class. I’m not sure how this is distributed, but this is consistent with the idea that single-template 3-rookery classes aren’t exactly rare. And with 84 3-rookeries per grid to choose from it’s not surprising that most grids have at least one with a unique ED completion that enables an RP with clues from a 6-template.

For k=4 there are on average 45 template classes per rookery class, suggesting that single-template 4-rookery classes are rare. It did take a brief search to find a grid with having one to construct the 5-template puzzle above.

For k=5 there are 4149 template classes per rookery class, and it wouldn’t be surprising if there aren’t any single-template 5-rookeries at all.
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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby Serg » Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:46 pm

Hi, Tom!
In some sense "pattern-proper puzzles" extends the notion of "fully entwined" pairs, triplets, etc. - defined in the first post of the thread Structures of the solution grid.

Your example with 5 different digits has "fully entwined quadruplet" for 4 missing digits. (A quadrplet is some kind of 4-template - a 4-template having special property - it has no UA sets among its digits involving a part of presented digits. A fully entwined quadrplet may contain 2-digit U18, 3-digit U27, 4-digit U36 only among its digits.)

I've done exhaustive search for "fully entwined pairs". It turns out there exist 105 essentially different fully entwined pairs (there are 181 ED 2-templates).
Then I found 27153 essentially different fully entwined triplets (3-templates). There exist 759 ED fully entwined quadruplets (4-templates) only!
Fully entwined quintuplets (5-templates) don't exist. (This is result of exhaustive search.) This fact means that the minimum number of different digits in pattern-proper puzzle - 5.

Here is another example of 5-digit pattern-proper puzzle.
Code: Select all
|. . .|. 1 2|3 4 5|
|. 1 3|. 4 5|. 2 .|
|2 5 4|3 . .|1 . .|
|. . 2|. 5 3|4 1 .|
|4 . 1|. 2 .|5 . 3|
|5 3 .|1 . 4|. . 2|
|. 4 .|2 3 .|. 5 1|
|1 2 .|5 . .|. 3 4|
|3 . 5|4 . 1|2 . .|

The same in line form: ....12345.

One can check that this puzzle has 24 (4!) solutions. Some clues are obviously redundant.

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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby coloin » Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:04 am

great work serg
Code: Select all
2 sol.   105
4 sol.    55
8 sol.    18
16 sol.    3

there are 181 template classes and 170 rookery classes
this means there are 22 [11/2] templates that have the same rookery as another template.
the 18C UA consist of 1,2,3 or 4 UA [ confusingly this is labelled 2 sol,4 sol,8 sol and 16 sol]
a 7-rookery which has 2 18C templates [ instead of 1 ] which solve will give double the sol count
however looking at the templates which share a rookery - it looks like the 22 templates dont have the single 18C UA ... [they have either 2 or 3 UA]
I was expecting at least one !
Yes the grids need to be fully entwined and all the 2 clue UA need to be 18C [2 sol]

This Strangely Familiar example from the past
Code: Select all
+---+---+---+      16 clues

there are 18 ways to add an 8 [or 9] to give 18 17C puzzles  [ Grid has a total of 29 17C puzzles]

+---+---+---+     2 sol

at the 3K level - the fact that a 3 rookery is solved in 2 clues doesnt mean that the converse 6 rookery has 6 sol

7/2 k - 2 sol 9x2 puzzles = 18 puzzles
6/3 k - 6 sol 9x9x3 puzzles = 243 puzzles
5/4 k - 24 sol above posted and there should be 9x9x9x4 puzzles = 2916 puzzles
4/5 k - 120 sol

Certainly a 4 rookery with 120 sol would be solvable with 4 added clues
this would be a puzzle with format 999911110, which do exist
Code: Select all
+---+---+---+   175320 sol

adding 4 clues


but as serg has checked - these wont be found !
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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby eleven » Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:00 pm

From a solver's point of view, in a pattern-proper puzzle you can select an arbitrary unit, which only has candidates of the missing digits left, and fix (guess) them there, to get a unique sudoku.
To solve it (with a fixed solution you get all by permuting the non given digits) that unit should be well chosen. E.g. if in Serg's puzzle you choose row 2 or box 2 to fix the digits you get an easier puzzle than for say row 7.
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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby tdillon » Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:15 pm

Serg wrote:Hi, Tom!
In some sense "pattern-proper puzzles" extends the notion of "fully entwined" pairs, triplets, etc. - defined in the first post of the thread Structures of the solution grid.
Fully entwined quintuplets (5-templates) don't exist. (This is result of exhaustive search.) This fact means that the minimum number of different digits in pattern-proper puzzle - 5.

Very interesting. Thanks for confirming!
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Re: Pattern-proper puzzles

Postby tdillon » Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:21 pm

eleven wrote:From a solver's point of view, in a pattern-proper puzzle you can select an arbitrary unit, which only has candidates of the missing digits left, and fix (guess) them there, to get a unique sudoku.
To solve it (with a fixed solution you get all by permuting the non given digits) that unit should be well chosen. E.g. if in Serg's puzzle you choose row 2 or box 2 to fix the digits you get an easier puzzle than for say row 7.

I guess for these puzzles to add something interesting you'd have to make it difficult to reach this point. Maybe a way to do this would be to look for puzzles that are easy to solve using uniqueness, but hard to solve without it, and then see if the uniqueness argument can be defused by removing clues of some digit to yield a PPP.
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