logel wrote:Current rating is rating of eliminations in the first place.
Yes; rating of the hardest elimination (wrt to a given set of rules). As I mentioned previously, nobody has ever been able to propose any rating of full paths.
logel wrote:But each elimination consists only of a series of secondary eliminations on the next recursion level.
No, absolutely no. Each elimination step in all my resolution paths is complete in itself. It includes no "secondary eliminations".
logel wrote: On the road to simple resolution rules you already arrived at the bottom, as obviously T&E(2) with only single eliminations can solve any 9-9-Sudoku.
This claim first supposes a clear definition of T&E - which was inexistent before I gave one. There were even people to confuse T&E with guessing.
Even after this, there isn't yet any formal proof that T&E(2) is enough for all the puzzles. It remains a conjecture (although a very strongly motivated one, especially after my B?B classification results of the hardest known puzzles).
But the goal of the resolution rules is to replace the T&E procedure by pure logic solutions. The concrete effect is, the output of T&E is an eligible text, tens of pages long, whereas the resolution path with e.g. braids is a sequence a fully justified eliminations.
logel wrote: Any other rule set just hides recursion steps inside the rule definitions and therefore shift some Sudoku to T&E(1).
This is not how I see it. Resolution rules are not added to T&E. They replace it.
Adding a new rule to a resolution theory can modify the various ratings and/or classifications of some puzzles and yes, some of them can pass from T&E(2) to T&E(1). But the rule doesn't hide anything.
logel wrote:The pattern ronk displays may have a value for solution. I dont share your view that a T&E(2) pattern is generally more complex than a T&E(1) pattern, only because it contains one or two extra branches.
Where am I supposed to have exposed such a view? The rough T&E(0) vs T&E(1) vs T&E(2) classification applies to puzzles, not to patterns.
You are here using the word "complex" in an undefined sense, probably wrt to the ease of detection by a player - which is very different from the (relative) sense in which I use it: occupying some well defined place in a well defined hierarchy of rules.
A T&E(2) puzzle is more complex than a T&E(1) puzzle because, in my hierarchy, Bp-braids are, in a natural way, logically more complex than braids.
The discussion about Ronk's pattern was not about whether it has any value (AFAIK, it appears very rarely, so that it should have limited value) but about whether it should be called an sk-loop. As its proof requires some form of reasoning completely different from the proof of the sk-loop - a proof that can't follow any homogeneous chain/loop structure - my answer is negative. Contrary to ronk, I consider it is NOT at all in the spirit of the sk-loop.
As for the classification of this pattern (or the sk-loop itself) in my hierarchies, I need no xsudo bling graphics; it could be seen, in an obvious way, as a mere gSubset[16] for 16 CSP variables of type rc. The problem with this approach is, if one wants to consider it as a gSubset[16] instead of some kind of chain structure (e.g. an x2y2-belt), thus loosing the chain "spirit" of Steve's initial rule, then, to be consistent, one should also accept all the smaller gSubsets. Considering the mess that gSubsets[4] or [5] are (see the "ultimate Fish" thread, where they appear as Franken and Mutant Fish and their variants - with nothing at all that could legitimately be called "ultimate"), I wish good luck to anyone trying to classify these beasts. [The case would be still much worse for those who'd use the xsudo approach with its non-o-rank possibilities].
To show why a pattern can't be classified itself as T&E(1) or T&E(2), consider the simpler case of ordinary (Naked + Hidden + SuperHidden) Subsets: they can appear in any puzzle, the simplest or the most complex ones. (What's interesting here is that they seldom change the W complexity of a puzzle.)
logel wrote:The braid hierarchy B(n)B is fine for defining sets of solvable Sudoku, but questionable as a complexity scale.
Once more, "complexity" has no predefined meaning. The BpB hierarchy is closely related to any intuitive notion of complexity because, in the mean, computation times grow exponentially with p. But this argument is only an a posteriori justification.
The BpB hierarchy allows to see easily how the addition of a given rule can change the remaining B?B complexity of a given puzzle.
In ronk's case, it shows that it doesn't change the B?B complexity; it'd be interesting to have more examples of this pattern and to see its impact on them.
Moreover, if we had an unbiased collection of hard - in a broad sense, i.e. T&E(2) - puzzles, we could even compute how, in the mean, a given rule, such as the sk-loop, can change their B?B complexity.