wapati wrote:I was meaning the VENDING machines.

My mistake, I was thinking of the lottery draw on TV

daj95376 wrote:Most prime number generators use two prime (or relatively-prime) numbers and a process (that I believe is) called multiplicative congruence to create a cyclic chain of pseudo-random numbers. A seed value is used to select an initial value from this chain. A common practice is to use the milliseconds elapsed value (mentioned earlier) for the starting seed when the program starts ... or when a new puzzle is generated.
The important thing on differentiating your puzzles from someone else's puzzles is where each of you enter the chain. In the old days of Microsoft FreeCell, the chain was only 32K in length and that limited the number of unique games -- which were identified by their starting seed number. Today, most random number generators use a full 32-bits for the seed ... and this leads to over 4,000,000,000 entries in the chain. Your chances of having the same puzzle as someone else is very slim!
Ah hah, with you now. It's miraculous isn't it? Absolutely brilliant, I wish I'd thought of that!
*edit : spelling mistake*