I have always problems in solving Sudoku
- Code: Select all
|7 . 9|. . .|8 . 2|
|. . .|7 . 8|. . .|
|8 . .|. . .|. . 4|
|. 6 .|. 5 .|. 7 .|
|. . .|3 . 6|. . .|
|. 1 .|. 9 .|. 6 .|
|2 . .|. . .|. . 1|
|. . .|2 . 4|. . .|
|5 . 8|. . .|9 . 7|
Because of not finding ANY hidden single - I had to pencilmark ALL 57 remaining cells. This Sudoku has 24 given numbers.
- Code: Select all
|7... 345... 9.....|1456 1346. 135..|8.... 135... 2...|
|1346 2345.. 123456|7... 12346 8....|1356. 1359.. 3569|
|8... 235... 12356.|1569 1236. 12359|13567 1359.. 4...|
|349. 6..... 234...|148. 5.... 12...|1234. 7..... 389.|
|49.. 245789 2457..|3... 12478 6....|1245. 124589 589.|
|34.. 1..... 23457.|48.. 9.... 27...|2345. 6..... 358.|
|2... 3479.. 3467..|5689 3678. 3579.|3456. 3458.. 1...|
|1369 379... 1367..|2... 13678 4....|356.. 358... 3568|
|5... 34.... 8.....|16.. 136.. 13...|9.... 234... 7...|
I needed more than one hour for the pencilmarking - but no solution...
Any tipps are appreciated.