blue wrote :
Yes it's true, as long as you're careful about (sic) what is meant by "the result in X is the not the same".
It might be better to think of it as that "the results in X are incompatible".
That would cover cases where:
1) one option forces some value into X, and the other option forces a different value into X.
2) one option forces X to be 'd', and the other eliminates 'd' from X.
3) neither option forces a value into X, but each candidate in X is eliminated for at least one of the options
I think bat is right after all.
Paraphrasing 2) : A <> 4 => X = d; B <> 4 => X <> d. So A <> 4 and B <> 4 => X = d and not d. Contradiction => one of A and B must be 4.
Paraphrasing 3) : A <> 4 => via, say, 2 AIC's => X <> a,b; B <> 4 => via, say, 3 AIC's => X <> c,d,e; If X = abcde then A <> 4 and B <> 4 => X is empty. Contradiction => one of A and B must be 4.
So 2) and 3) are proofs by contradiction. Shock, horror, howl of indignation

Paraphrasing 1) : A <> 4 ... some AIC 1 ... X = a; B <> 4 ... some other AIC 2 ... X = b. Rearranging we can say:
A <> 4 ... AIC 1 ... X = (a - b) ... reverse AIC 2 ... B = 4; and
B <> 4 ... AIC 2 ... X = (b - a) ... reverse AIC 1 ... A = 4. So shortening the notation:
A <> 4 ... AIC 1/2 ... B = 4; and
B <> 4 ... AIC 2/1 ... A = 4.
So 1) => A = 4 or B = 4, although I wouldn't say this means that the values that are forced into X (a and b) are incompatible. I think 1) was basically what bat was describing.
So what bat was describing, in a somewhat convoluted way, was simply a Type 1 AIC (ie AIC 1/2).
Of course this has nothing to do with Almost Locked Sets, and A and B don't have to share a house.