champagne wrote:I intend to work in 2 steps
a) finding all max text patterns to scan
b) scanning these patterns.
This won't be the best approach. The number of patterns to scan (after filtering out impossible patterns), will be larger than the number of canonical grids by small factor ... 3-5 range (?). With effort, you might me able to scan a pattern in under an hour, but Gary McGuire's code, suitably modified, can check a grid for 17's, in well under a minute.
Re: Gary McGuires code
dobrichev wrote:I doubt the 17s exhaustive search would take only 10x resources compared to 16s without further algorithm improvements. I have some points in mind.
This is true. The code to generate the puzzles, takes ~8 times as long for 17's, but the number of puzzles that it produces, goes up by a factor ~150, and the fraction of time spent in the solver, becomes significant (but not unreasonable). I tried something along the lines of what I suggested at the bottom of
this post<broken link>, but without "feedback", and was able to get the time per grid down to ~22 seconds -vs- 2.8 for 16's.
Best Regards,
dobrichev wrote:so you have 5E+4 patterns with known 17s out of 4E+31 possible 17-clue patterns reducible to 1E+25 after VPT;
I see we're posting at ~ the same time here.
I get a much smaller pattern count, after VPTs ... ~38e9.