annie110774 wrote:I just found out about these puzzles but cannot find any general hints and tips on how to start.
The websites mentioned should help, but there's nothing like trying to figure it out yourself.
annie110774 wrote:I was reading some of the forums and you are using words that have special meaning to these puzzles. I thought this would be a fun easy hobby but is turning out to be harder than it sounds.
If it's any consolation, I've been coming to this forum since March 2005 (having started solving November 2004) and I find the terms used on some threads confusing. Most are are very advanced techniques and not necessary for the easy/medium and even hard puzzles and I wouldn't be able to point out a naked triple to save my life! I probably use the basic techniques mentioned on this site instinctively, but I've never bothered to find out their names. They are named because it makes it simpler to describe the next move to someone who gets stuck. It's certainly unnecessary - in my opinion - to get bogged down in terminology, especially when you are learning. The beauty of this game is that it can be as simple or as complicated as
you want to make it.
annie110774 wrote:Any helpful hints on how to start this?
Struggling in Texas
Well, I'd stick to the easy puzzles to begin with. The rule is "Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. " Follow that. You'll solve an easy one eventually and after you've solved enough of them you can move up a grade. The Pappocom puzzles do not require anything harder than an x-wing (the search facility is really good for info on that) and that's only for the Very Hard ones. The Pappocom software is available in a 28 day trial, so you can see how you like that, and/or you can use the sites recommended.
Don't worry, once you get started, you'll very quickly get familiar with it.
annie110774 wrote:P.S. It was 80 degrees here yesterday!
Oh, thanks for that. It was minus something or other and very dingy here in Glasgow - that's the West Coast of Scotland. No snow yet, though. We'll leave that for the English

I do hope that helps. Above all, remember it's meant to be fun!