Well right in the videos comment sections he does outline it as being brought to his attention as "multi sector locked sets" but doesn't credit this forum where its was started only credits the guys that mention it.
msls stems back to a multiple person collocated effort to increase the power of fish with multiple digits ie multi-fish
that being said the first person to publish anything on the subject is officially 1 person.
david P bird tried to tie hidden/naked sets as the reason multi-fish worked well and that it could do more in a first attempt labeled
sharks - ideas that long circulated this form before it was titled msls however some forum members corrupted the thread and it went off topic a lot so it was rehashed with a more sound and stable bases
david P bird idea msls comes from a method to simplify and make muti-fish more powerful and easier to spot using 2 different sets given and hidden. then its a matter of mathematically balancing the sets for digit count/space as there is always exactly the same # of hidden and away digits between any 2 sets in the same space. if there isn't then one of the sets has eliminations

{overtly generalized}
but officially the name
muti sector locked sets { lesser known as}
sharks belongs to
david P birdconsidering his elite status as a high level player in the UK.
not really, most of the "pros" don't use very difficult techniques usually its limited to naked/hidden singles, Naked/hidden-pairs, xy-wings, x-wings and occasionally UR's formations for competition puzzles then finally guesses as comps are based on time and higher power techniques usually run to much time and often are fruitless.
so they don't study or look up the specific names for techniques above the ones mention above/
occasionally they'll find something new to them and mention it but don't go the extra step to find out if it is known or not already or which "name" it lands under.
{if u scroll the comments you will often see the remarks of "another guess" to finish then some one points out the method to solve it with out guessing oh well learning missed for them i guess
