jaymed Welcome to the forum. Yes that code works perfectly for me.
Here are the pencil marks based on the cells you have solved.
- Code: Select all
| 79 4 6 | 359 8 359 | 57 1 2 |
| 5 1 3 | 6 7 2 | 9 8 4 |
| 2 79 8 | 1 4 59 | 6 3 57 |
| 17 67 5 | 8 2 147 | 3 467 9 |
| 4 8 9 | 35 6 357 | 57 2 1 |
| 137 367 2 | 345 9 13457| 8 4567 567 |
| 379 3579 47 | 49 1 6 | 2 57 8 |
| 6 2 1 | 7 5 8 | 4 9 3 |
| 8 579 47 | 2 3 49 | 1 567 567 |
This is quite an ambitious one to try when moving from locked candidates as it requires too many new techniques in one leap.

For this one X-wings, XY-wings, Turbot Fish might be useful to read about in that order. There are several routes through from here depending on the combination of the choice of these techniques. The ones I've tried all led to the determination of r5c7 as being key. The Sudoku Explainer rating, which you may see mentioned elsewhere, is 6.6.
Thanks to me being too verbose
Pat has said most of this already.