Need help on "method F"

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Need help on "method F"

Postby tonyjer » Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:41 pm

Hi Everyone

Just had a go at some of the "Very Hard Sudokus" on the Sudoku Solver provided by logic site.

Got stuck about halfway thru on one so did the step by step routine and reached the stage where the prog eliminated candidates in a pattern using "Method F". Couldn't relate this to the normal swordfish etc.

I know the rules and will quite happily paste the puzzle but I just wondered what rule they were referring to?

Could it be some complicated herringbone linked to a six legged octopus?

(Nothing on that site to explain it)

Many thanks

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Re: Need help on "method F"

Postby m_b_metcalf » Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:21 pm

tonyjer wrote:Got stuck about halfway thru on one so did the step by step routine and reached the stage where the prog eliminated candidates in a pattern using "Method F". Couldn't relate this to the normal swordfish etc.

As it says on the site, it's X-wing.


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