Explicitation of yzfwsf's terse message:
- Code: Select all
| 7 3459 3458 | 3469 4568 46-3589 | 1248 4-1289 1249 |
| 6 49 48 | 2 1 4-89 | 3 7 5 |
| 4-3589 1 2 | 3479 4578 47-3589 | 48 6 49 |
| 1 7 6 | 8 45 459 | 245 3 249 |
| 345 345 9 | 467 2 14567 | 1456 14 8 |
| 458 2 458 | 469 3 14569 | 1456 149 7 |
| 349 349 1 | 5 468 23468 | 7 248 2346 |
| 2 6 7 | 34 9 348 | 148 5 134 |
| 345 8 345 | 1 467 23467 | 9 24 2346 |
Map of givens and map of givens + singles, in boxes:
- Code: Select all
3|0|3 4|2|4
4|3|3 5|3|3
4|3|3 5|3|3
Clue for a column stick symmetry, with sticks in band 1
Map of givens+singles in columns
- Code: Select all
4 5 5 | 4 4 0 | 3 3 3
Clue for sticks in columns 1 & 6, to be decided later in box 3
A better similarity of patterns in bands 2 & 3 is helped by the isopmorphism: swap circularly rows in band 2 (4->5, 5->6, 6->4) to the following puzzle:
- Code: Select all
Then, swap bands [23] , swap columns [23] [45] [79], carry out digit permutation [12][35][89][4][6][7] proves the above puzzle to be automorphic. It has a column stick symmetry with sticks invariant at r123c1, r123c6, r123c8. Same for the starting puzzle, through the inverse isomorphism in band 2 (swap circularly rows 5->4, 6->5, 4->6), hence the eliminations: -3589 r1c6, r3c16, -1289 r1c8; ste