BJGenius wrote:I'am also coding my own Sudoku solver for a couple of months right now (currently based on EXCEL VBA), and it would be nice to compare the methods implemented. If you need some input, please let me know. I would be glad to be of assistance.
Sure thing ! I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier but I think you had the same issue as me with your post taking some time to get approved as I check this thread quite often.
Here is my implemented strategies as of December 1st 2023 (some of them overlaps):
-Naked Single
-Hidden Single
-Naked Doubles
-Hidden Doubles
-Box-Line Reduction (aka Claiming Set)
-Pointing Set
-Naked Triple
-Hidden Triple
-Naked Quad
-Hidden Quad
-Simple Coloring (Andrew Stuart's definition)
-Reverse BUG
-Junior Exocet (All 12 rules + Incompatible base pairs + Double JE's)
-Finned X-Wing
-Finned Swordfish
-Finned Jellyfish
-Fireworks (Double L-Wing, Double W-Wing, Double ALP, Triple & Quadruple)
-Unique Rectangles (Rule 1-6 + Hidden rules)
-Unavoidable Rectangles (Rules 1-3)
-3D Medusa (Andrew Stuart's definition)
-Aligned Pair Exclusion
-Aligned Triple Exclusion
-Almost Locked Sets
-Digit Forcing Net
-Cell Forcing Net
-Unit Forcing Net
-Nishio Forcing Net
-Pattern Overlay
-Brute Force
-Gurth's Theorem (Orthogonal & Rotational)
-Set Equivalence (Row x Columns, Blocks x Row/Columns)
-Death Blossom (Andrew Stuart's definition and not Hodoku's as they seem to differ)
-Almost Hidden Sets (This my own definition, even if there are probably some online)
-BUG-Lite (Not complete, WIP)
-Empty Rectangle (aka Rectangle elimination)
-Fish (Generalize every type of fishes)
-Finned Fish (Generalize every type of finned fishes)
-Two-String Kite
-Almost Locked Sets Chain
-Almost Hidden Sets Chain
-Alternating Inference Loops
-Subsets X-Cycles (includes Pointing Sets)
-Subsets Alternating Inference Loops (includes Pointing Sets & ALS's)
-Alternating Inference Chains
-Subsets X-Chains (includes Pointing Sets)
-Subsets Alternating Inference Chains (includes Pointing Sets & ALS's)