>Unfortunately i dont have the time to try this myself,
>so i just want to post my idea, how you could determine,
>if a given grid contains a 16 clue sudoku:
>Three numbers in the grid define a "subsudoku". You have
>only 27 cells and three numbers. Looking at three subsudokus
>(with all 9 numbers then), there must be at least two of
>them with maximum 7 clues for a 16 clue sudoku of the whole grid.
>There are about a million possibilities for up to 7 clues
>for a subsudoku.
and we have about 100000 equivalence-classes of "3-subsudokus"
>It should be possible to check for all
>of them (in short computing time), which lead to a unique
>subsudoku. Save them. Do the same for the other two subsudokus.
>For at least two of them you now have a list of subsudoku
>clues (hopefully not more than thousands). Now combine
>each two of two lists and verify, if they solve the 6
>numbers subsudoku uniquely. If so, save the clues (and
>forget the rest).
>With those ones now, reduce the 27 clues of the third
>subsudoku (with a backtracking algorithm) to a minimum.
>If there is a 16 clue, you should find it this way.
>Of course i know, this is not a big help to find a 16 clue,
>but just a way to eliminate many grids.
how do you separate the 3 subsudokus ? They are only
there when you have the full grid.
When you just see the 16 clues, you don't know which of the
81 cells go into which of the subsudokus.
Their cells are given primarily by the positions of the
clues with one of the 3 numbers making the subsudoku,
but also by the other clues, which may not be included
in that region. Once you are given the partition
of the full grid into 3 subsudokus of 27 cells,
then it's much easier to solve and you need fewer clues,
of course.
We could just consider 2 colors of clues, those having 1,2,3 (say)
and the others. Would they uniquely determine the 27 cells
of the 1,2,3-subsudoku ? Consider 7 positive and 9 negative clues.
Can we find lots of configurations which determine the
class uniquely ? And use them as a base to extend into a 16-sudoku ?