Sorry for my stupidity but I'm just not following this. Can you draw out whole the modified grid for that last case ?
| 6 8 5 | 4 3 1 | 2 9 7 |
| 4 9 7 | 2 8 6 | 5 3 1*|
| 1 3 2 | 5 9 7 | 4 6 8 |
| 2 1 9 | 8 5 3 | 7 4*6 |
| 7 5 6 | 1 4 2 | 3 8 9 |
| 8 4 3 | 7 6 9 | 1 2*5*|
| 5 2 4 | 9 1 8 | 6 7 3 |
| 9 6 1 | 3 7 4 | 8 2*5*|
| 3 7 8 | 6 2 5 | 9 4*1*|
Leren wrote:... there is a typo in your post in the last line (tests 345 should be r8).
But suppose you have carried out the 20 OK checks in both columns before the 21st check in either column. That would, I think, be 502 checks successfully completed. Whichever row you pick, the 503 rd check must fail, strangely enough, implying that not only the 504 th check must also fail, but that there are at least two other checks that would fail in the puzzle but needn't be included in your 504 protocol.
blue wrote:I suppose it should be asked: is there a better (but still "fixed") order for those checks, that makes it impossible using band & row swaps and an optional c8/9 swap ... to put the puzzle above, into a form where only the last check would fail ?
Leren wrote:I guess that's about it for this topic.
Thanks to denis for coming up with this very interesting and entertaining question, blue, for his very clear thinking solution and eleven for his input.
Symbol Bit Pattern
------ -----------
1 000000001
2 000000010
3 000000100
4 000001000
5 000010000
6 000100000
7 001000000
8 010000000
9 100000000
denis_berthier wrote:Someone on a forum stated that "Simply sum each row, column and box. If every number is 45, the solution is 100% certain to be correct". I was sure this couldn't be enough but I had no idea how many more xi≠yi checks would be required. Quite a lot, finally.
Mathimagics wrote:denis_berthier wrote:Someone on a forum stated that "Simply sum each row, column and box. If every number is 45, the solution is 100% certain to be correct". I was sure this couldn't be enough but I had no idea how many more xi≠yi checks would be required. Quite a lot, finally.
Compute the house sums as sum of d * 10^(9-d). If all houses sum to 123456789 the grid is valid.
Leren wrote:Hi denis,
I think we have gone about as far as we can go with this topic and I must admit that the question you ask in your last post is difficult for me to understand - I personally can't see it leading anywhere.
Leren wrote:The main thing I'm unsure about is whether it is possible to get a house result of 111111111 with any other set of symbols that what is in RSW's list.