Everything about minimal puzzles and extension of this concept to puzzles with multiple solutions, patterns, etc...
Properties of some patterns.
Special types of minimality for symmetric puzzles.
I keep this first post to give the main usual definitions.
General definitions :
- grid : a full Sudoku grid (9x9) with a digit in each cell, 9 different digits in each unit.
- subpuzzle : a grid in which some digits have been removed.
- solution of a subpuzzle : any (full) grid which contains the subpuzzle.
a subpuzzle may have several solutions. - valid Puzzle : a subpuzzle with a unique solution.
Depending on the context, puzzle can refer to valid puzzle and puzzle with multiple solutions to subpuzzle.
Minimal puzzle
A valid puzzle is minimal when removing any of its clues results in a puzzle that has more than one solution.
Example :
Mauricio wrote:Puzzle P1 : #28 clues, minimal
- Code: Select all
By removing r1c3=1 the puzzle has 5 solutions.
If we do this operation successively for each clue (r1c3, r1c5,...etc) the number of solutions of each resulting puzzle is :
So, the puzzle P is minimal.
An other (equivalent) way to define minimality : if one clue can be removed without changing the number of solutions, the puzzle is not minimal.
Using almost the same example, the following puzzle is not minimal :
- Code: Select all
This is a valid puzzle, but r5c5=1 can be removed and the resulting puzzle is still valid.
Note that there are many ways to remove clues.
For example, one can remove the 4 cells r1c5,r2c4,r4c2,r7c1 and get this valid puzzle :
- Code: Select all
Every valid puzzle contains at least one minimal puzzle :
a) Let P be a puzzle, n(P) the number of clues, N(P) the number of solutions.
If P and Q are two puzzles such that Q is included in P, then N(P)<=N(Q)
The reason is that every (grid)solution of the puzzle P contains the n(Q) clues of Q and therefore is a solution of Q.
The set of solutions of P is included in the set of solutions of Q.
As a consequence : N(P)<=N(Q)
b) Now, let P be a valid puzzle, N(P)=1, with at least one clue (!)
Let's consider this recursive process :
1. If P minimal : end of the process
2. remove one clue c from P => new P
3. go to 1
This process will stop since the serie of the number of solutions n(P) of the successive puzzles is non-decreasing and since one clue-puzzle has more than one solution...
Number of clues of minimal puzzles
The question of the minimum number of clues and the maximum number of clues of a minimal puzzle is very tough and is studied in specific threads :
- minimum number of clues :
http://forum.enjoysudoku.com/viewtopic.php?t=605 - maximum number of clues :
As of today, here are the known values :
- minimum : 17
- maximum : 39
To be continued...
Non minimal patterns
A pattern is a set of cells (without digit) ; an "x" is used to mark the cell in the grid.
A puzzle contains a pattern if all the cells of the pattern are included in the cells of the puzzle.
For instance, Mauricio's initial puzzle contains this pattern
- Code: Select all
A pattern is called non minimal if there is no minimal valid puzzle containing this pattern.
Example :
Patterns with a full unit (box, row, column)
This pattern is non minimal :
- Code: Select all
every pattern containing a non minimal pattern is a non minimal pattern.
Minimal subpuzzles
The concept of minimality can be extended to puzzles with multiple solutions (subpuzzles).
A subpuzzle is minimal when removing any of its clues results in a subpuzzle that has a greater number of solutions.
Example :
- Code: Select all
By removing r1c1=3 the subpuzzle will have 144 solutions...
If we do this operation for each clue successively (r1c1,r1c7,...) the number of solutions of each resulting subpuzzle is : 144,1000*,124,165,34,299,810,371,165,405,299,270,20,1000*,371,92,405,498,20,172.
1000* means more than 1000.
The subpuzzle is therefore minimal.
Here an example of a non minimal subpuzzle :
- Code: Select all
This subpuzzle has 22 solutions.
Remove 4 clues (r1c1289) and you still get a subpuzzle with 22 solutions :
- Code: Select all
Note that a subpuzzle containing a non minimal pattern is not minimal ????.
Every subpuzzle contains at least one minimal subpuzzle :
The proof and the algorithm to find it are the same as for a valid puzzle.
Closure of a subpuzzle
By definition, a subpuzzle P is a puzzle with multiple solutions N(P)>=1
Let S1,S2,...,Sp be the grid-solutions of P.
This set of full grids has some common cells which I call closure of P and note C[P].
Note that C[P] is the intersection of the sets S1,S2,...,Sp ;
C[P]= S1 ∩ S2 ∩ ... ∩ Sp.
Property of the closure C[P]:
- C[P] contains P
as P ⊆ Sk for every k, then P ⊆ S1 ∩ S2 ∩ ... ∩ Sp - C[P] is a full grid (81 digits) iff P is a valid puzzle
Maximal subpuzzle
a subpuzzle is called maximal if it is equal to its closure P=C[P]
Note that a valid puzzle is maximal iff it's a full grid.
Here is an example of a subpuzzle :
- Code: Select all
and its closure :
- Code: Select all
To be continued...