Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix commands

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix commands

Postby coloin » Sat May 07, 2022 12:10 am

I have had a brief look at the old "programmers forum" and didnt find any thing

I am lucky enough and thankful to benefit from the expertise of various programmers over the years

With the use of generally available unix software I am able to process files including automated batch files to generate puzzles.

Essentially I am manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string in a .txt file.

However there are not any unix commands posted that I can find apart from brief reference here

These are some I have successfully used and I plan to document them in the next post for reference.

Undoubtably there are other known commands which are above my level of expertise to compile and I am grateful for any contribution !
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Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix commands

Postby coloin » Sat May 07, 2022 12:14 am

Here are a few command lines and will update a few more
Code: Select all
delete lines with #                                               
grep32 -v # test.txt > testsol.txt                           
print lines with  #                                               
grep32  '#'                                 
print lines ending in #                                           
grep32  '#$'                                   
print lines starting with #                                       
grep32  '^#

Code: Select all
change 0 to .                                                       
sed s/0/./g                                                         
remove first 10 lines                                               
sed -r s/.{10}//                                                     
remove last 81 lines                                                 
sed -r s/.{81}$//                                                   
change the 13th character to a 2      [ 0 to 80 in this instance]   
sed s/\(.\{12\}\).\{1\}/\12/
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby coloin » Sat May 07, 2022 12:24 am

In particular , despite searching unix Q&A threads I am unble to generate a command which flips the puzzle over the diagonal ....
Code: Select all

Code: Select all
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                   

1,11,21 .....etc stay the same
2 goes to 10 10 goes to 2 ....etc

If this isnt too cumbersome, then some of the other morphing transformations could be done ...
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Postby 1to9only » Sat May 07, 2022 9:23 am

coloin wrote:In particular , despite searching unix Q&A threads I am unble to generate a command which flips the puzzle over the diagonal ....

I dont think any unix command(s) will do this in an easy manner! Bash with awk might be able to do it!!

On Windows, my solution is to write such small utility programs in python. If I use it often enough, it gets converted to C and compiled to .exe.

python code: Show
Code: Select all
#! /usr/bin/python
this_program = ""
this_version = "1.00"
import os, sys, optparse

# usage:
#            <- input: puzzles.txt output: puzzlesout.txt
# test.txt   <- input: test.txt    output: testout.txt

def main():
   parser = optparse.OptionParser()
   argc, argv = parser.parse_args()

   fn = 'puzzles.txt'
   fo = 'puzzlesout.txt'

   if len( argv) == 1:
      fn = argv[ 0]
      fo = fn.replace( '.txt', 'out.txt')

   isfile = os.path.isfile( fn)
   if not isfile:
      print( fn + ' not found')
      exit( 0)

   pl = 0
   f = open( fn, 'r')
   g = open( fo, 'w')
   for line in f:
      output = line

      # flip along diagonal (\)
      # cell[ row][ col] = cell[ col][ row]

      if len( line) >= 81:
         for row in range( 9):
            for col in range( 9):
               tgt = row*9 + col
               src = col*9 + row

               # this replaces one character at a time, it is slow!

               output = output[ :tgt] + line[ src:src+1] + output[ tgt+1:]

      g.write( output)
      pl += 1


   print( str( pl) + ' line(s) processed.')

   return 0;

if __name__ == "__main__":
   sys.exit( main())

Code: Select all            <- input: puzzles.txt output: puzzlesout.txt test.txt   <- input: test.txt    output: testout.txt

Code: Select all
...8..2...9..4...7.....1.8.1..3.5....7..2......56.8...8.....3....6....18.2.....5. ED=1.5/1.2/1.2

Code: Select all
.2.....5. ED=1.5/1.2/1.2

Code: Select all
...1..8...9..7...2.....5.6.8..3.6....4..2......15.8...2.....3....8....15.7.....8. ED=1.5/1.2/1.2

Code: Select all
.7.....8. ED=1.5/1.2/1.2

The python script can be used as template, modified for other manipulations, e.g. to flip along other diagonal:
Code: Select all
tgt = (8-row)*9 + (8-col)
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby dobrichev » Sat May 07, 2022 10:33 am

coloin wrote:However there are not any unix commands posted that I can find apart from brief reference here
These are some I have successfully used and I plan to document them in the next post for reference.
Undoubtably there are other known commands which are above my level of expertise to compile and I am grateful for any contribution !

Take a look here for few more examples.

Transposing is too specific to be resolved by builtin linux commands. Use several lines of code in some programming language instead.
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby StrmCkr » Sun May 15, 2022 9:39 am

the code below is how i do any of the isomorphic changes in my solver:
{in Free pascal} Im sure there is better methods but i know these work.

mine manipulates the grid string then refreshes the Rn,Cn,Bn spaces that the changes effected.
{sucks as it currently resets pm states for my solver}

Code: Select all
procedure issomorph( K2,B2,F2:Char);
S2:  array [cell] of nums;  {solved grid copy}


for xn:= 0 to 80 do



for xn:= 0 to 80 do


if not (K in ['d','t','s','b','c','r','m','p'])
writexy(2,28,' Which area to move?');
writexy(2,29,' D{igit},R{ow},C{ol},S{tack},B{and},T{ranspose},M{irror},P{ivot}');
gotoxy(23,28); write(': ',K);

 case K of

{R} #114:

   if not (B in ['1'..'9'])
   writexy(2,30,' Which Row to move? {1..9}');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

   if not (F in ['1'..'9'])
   writexy(2,31,' Swaping with Row?');

   case B of
    #49,#50,#51 : write(' 1,2,3');
    #52,#54,#55 : write(' 4,5,6');
    #56,#57,#58 : write(' 7,8,9');


   F:=readkey; write(': ',F);

   for xn:=0 to 8 do

    s[Rset[(ord(b)-48)-1,xn]]:= S2[Rset[(ord(f)-48)-1,xn]];
    s[Rset[(ord(f)-48)-1,xn]]:= S2[Rset[(ord(b)-48)-1,xn]];   


  end;  {row}

{C} #99:

  if not (B in ['1'..'9'])
   writexy(2,30,' Which Col to move? {1..9}');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

   if not (F in ['1'..'9'])
   writexy(2,31,' Swaping with Col?');

   case B of
    #49,#50,#51 : write(' 1,2,3');
    #52,#54,#55 : write(' 4,5,6');
    #56,#57,#58 : write(' 7,8,9');


   F:=(readkey); write(': ',F);
   for xn:=0 to 8 do

    s[Cset[(ord(b)-48)-1,xn]]:= S2[Cset[(ord(f)-48)-1,xn]];
    s[Cset[(ord(f)-48)-1,xn]]:= S2[Cset[(ord(b)-48)-1,xn]];


 end; {col}

{Band} #98:

    if not (B in ['1'..'3'])
   writexy(2,30,' Which Band to Swap? {1..3}');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

    if not (F in ['1'..'3'])
   writexy(2,31,' Swaping with Band? {1..3}');
   F:=readkey;  write(': ',F);

   For xn:= 0 to 8 do
    for n:= 0 to 2 do

 end;  {Band}

{stack} #115:

     if not (B in ['1'..'3'])
   writexy(2,30,' Which Stack to Swap? {1..3}');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

    if not (F in ['1'..'3'])
   writexy(2,31,' Swaping with Stack? {1..3}');
   F:=readkey;  write(': ',F);

   For xn:= 0 to 8 do
    for n:= 0 to 2 do

 end; {stack}

{Transpose} #116:

 if not(k2 in['t'])
 writexy(2,30,' Transposing Grid (Diagonal reflection & Anti Diagonal Reflection)');
 if not (b in ['1'..'2'] )
  then begin
 writexy(2,31,' Diagonal / Anti Diagonal ? {1,2} ');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

  if b = '1' then begin
 for xn:= 0 to 8 do
  for n:= 0 to 8 do



  if b = '2' then begin
  for xn:= 8 downto 0 do
   for n:= 8 downto 0 do


 end; {Transpose}

{D} #100:

  if not (b in ['1'..'9'] )
  writexy(2,30,' Which Digit to Swap? {1..9}');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

  if not (f in ['1'..'9'] )
   writexy(2,31,' Swaping with Digit {1..9}');
   F:=readkey;  write(': ',F);

   For xn:= 0 to 80 do

    if S2[xn]= [ord(b)-48 ]

    if S2[xn]= [ord(F)-48 ]


 {Mirror} #109: begin
 if not(k2 in['m'])
 writexy(2,30,' Mirror Grid (Reflection)');
 if not (b in ['1'..'2'] )
  then begin
 writexy(2,31,' Horizontal / Vertical ? {1,2}');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

   if B ='1'
      for n:= 0 to 8 do
      for xn:= 0 to 8 do

   if B ='2'
      for n:= 0 to 8 do
      for xn:= 0 to 8 do


 {Pivot/quater turn} #112:

 if not(k2 in['p'])
 writexy(2,30,' Pivot Grid ( 1/4 turn)');
 if not (b in ['1'..'2'] )
  then begin
 writexy(2,31,' Left / Right ? {1,2}');
   B:=readkey;  write(': ',B);

  if b = '1' then begin
 for xn:= 0 to 8 do
  for n:= 8 downto 0 do



  if b = '2' then begin
  for xn:= 8 downto 0 do
   for n:= 0 to 8 do



 end; {pivit}

if not (K2 in ['d','t','s','b','c','r','m','p'])
writexy(2,28,'                                                ');
writexy(2,29,'                                                                  ');
writexy(2,30,'                                                                  ');
writexy(2,31,'                                      ');

for xL:=0 to 80 do
 if s[xl] <> [] then
      nsector[Rx[xl]]:=nsector[rx[xl]] + s[xl];
      nsector[Cy[xl]+9]:=nsector[cy[xl]+9] + s[xl];
      nsector[bxy[xl]+18]:=nsector[Bxy[xl]+18] + s[xl];


end;  {isomorphic transformation}
Last edited by StrmCkr on Sun May 15, 2022 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby StrmCkr » Sun May 15, 2022 10:05 am

Some do, some teach, the rest look it up.
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby coloin » Mon May 16, 2022 9:41 am

Thanks for your replies ... I'm reassured that it wasn't an easy task with a simple solution ...
A small utility program might be the way,
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby StrmCkr » Mon May 16, 2022 8:51 pm

yeah its not
for the 80 character string your replacing
0 no change
1st with the 9th
2nd with the 18th
10th no change
19th with the 11th
20th no change

basically you'd need to a math function to convert position for its choice of swap

me i found its easier to cheat with a loop of
for xa:=0 to 2 do
for ya:=0 to 2 do
xa controls the row
and ya controls the col
{xa*3} + {ya*3) = [xa,ya] cell location reference chart look up
that (xa * 9 ) + ya = string position

still a 1:1 swap on the diagonal should be 36 swaps max.
(81-9 )/ 2
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby tdillon » Tue May 17, 2022 3:48 am

How's this for awk-free bash golf ...
Code: Select all
seq 9|xargs -Ix bash -c "echo $p|egrep -o .{9}|cut -bx"|tr -d '\n';echo

Or for input file "in":
Code: Select all
while read -r p;do seq 9|xargs -Ix bash -c "echo $p|egrep -o .{9}|cut -bx"|tr -d '\n';echo;done <in

Or, longer, but if your tastes really call for processing each column in parallel:
Code: Select all
echo $p | egrep -o .{9} | bash -c "tee $(seq 9 | sed 's/./>(cut -b&>&)/' |xargs) >/dev/null" ; bash -c "cat $(seq 9 | sed 's/./<(tail -f &|head -n9)/' |xargs)" | tr -d '\n' ; echo
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby coloin » Tue May 17, 2022 8:51 pm

excellent .. if it works ... to the novice ...understanding what is happening is key
i need ...bash .... egrep = ? grep32 and others unix programs ?

swapping the bands [eg 1-2,][1-3[2-3] would also be a good one ... and I will try sed and merge for this...
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby StrmCkr » Wed May 18, 2022 1:47 am

Bash is an add on script
if I'm reading it correct its not changing the string in any shape
Instead it's printing to screen the translation cell. Cycle to a but show b at x instead.
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby tdillon » Wed May 18, 2022 6:33 am

coloin wrote:understanding what is happening is key

Starting from the inside, egrep is an alias for "grep -E" (needed to use extended regexps), and -o tells it to just consume matching input leaving the rest for the next line. The regexp ".{9}" matches any 9 characters, so this splits the 81 character string into 9 lines. I realize now that this part can also be written more compactly and obscurely using a "here string" to provide egrep's input like so:

Code: Select all
$ egrep -o .{9}<<<$p

"cut -bN" will read stdin and print the Nth character from each line, so to get the first column we have:

Code: Select all
$ egrep -o .{9}<<<$p|cut -b1

So we just want to do that for each of the 9 columns and then delete all the newlines (tr -d '\n').

For this I'm using "seq 9" to produce the digits 1..9 and then piping them to xargs, which, when given the argument -Ix executes the command to its right once for each input read from stdin while substituting that value for each occurrence of 'x' in the command. For example:

Code: Select all
$ seq 9 | xargs -Ix echo xzx

So xargs is placing each digit into cut's 'b' argument in the command "bash -c "egrep -o .{9}<<<$p|cut -bx"", where we have to execute each time in a subshell since without it the xargs command will end at the pipe.

Honesty it would be clearer and a little shorter to use a bash for loop, but less in the spirit of piping together a bunch of commands.
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with Python

Postby coloin » Sat Aug 06, 2022 3:36 pm

Thanks for your comments and advice .....

luckily i showed it to my son edmoind who knocked up a script in python to morph the puzzles as needed !!!!

python's numpy library

Program and a readme file Morpho

It can morph the bands [and rows if needed] and also do the reflection
I have included a batch file which provides versions of the 5 other morphed bands from one puzzle ... and combines using cat
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Re: Manipulating the 81 digit puzzle string with unix comman

Postby P.O. » Sat Aug 06, 2022 6:09 pm

hi coloin, maybe of some interest; i do the morphing by playing with these groups of permutations:
for example Puzzle 46 is a morph of this one ...........1.2.3... from PG336 + some relabelling.
Code: Select all
                from this pattern        to this pattern
               . . . . . . . . .         . X . X . . X X .
               . . X . X . X . .         X . . . X . . . X
               . X . X . X . X .         . . . . . . . . .
               . . X X . . X . .         X . . . X . . . X
               . X . . . X . X .         . X . X . . X X .
               . . X . X . X . .         . . . . . . . . .
               . X . X . X . X .         X . . . X . . . X
               . . X . X . X . .         X . . . X . . X .
               . . . . . . . . .         . X . X . . X . .
by applying in succession (22 23 2 22 23)
((1 31 61) (2 32 62) (3 33 63) (4 34 55) (5 35 56) (6 36 57) (7 28 58)
 (8 29 59) (9 30 60) (10 40 70) (11 41 71) (12 42 72) (13 43 64) (14 44 65)
 (15 45 66) (16 37 67) (17 38 68) (18 39 69) (19 49 79) (20 50 80) (21 51 81)
 (22 52 73) (23 53 74) (24 54 75) (25 46 76) (26 47 77) (27 48 78))

((1 31 71 11 41 81 21 51 61) (2 32 72 12 42 79 19 49 62)
 (3 33 70 10 40 80 20 50 63) (4 35 65 14 45 75 24 52 55)
 (5 36 66 15 43 73 22 53 56) (6 34 64 13 44 74 23 54 57)
 (7 28 67 17 38 77 27 48 60) (8 29 68 18 39 78 25 46 58)
 (9 30 69 16 37 76 26 47 59))

((7 8 9) (16 17 18) (25 26 27) (34 35 36) (43 44 45) (52 53 54) (55 64 73)
 (56 65 74) (57 66 75) (58 67 76) (59 68 77) (60 69 78) (61 71 81) (62 72 79)
 (63 70 80))

without relabelling:
Code: Select all
          . . .   . . .   . . .       . 1 .   2 . .   7 9 .
          . . 1   . 2 .   3 . .       5 . .   . 4 .   . . 8
          . 5 .   6 . 1   . 9 .       . . .   . . .   . . .
          . . 3   5 . .   2 . .       3 . .   . 1 .   . . 2
          . 6 .   . . 4   . 7 .       . 9 .   5 . .   1 6 .
          . . 8   . 1 .   4 . .       . . .   . . .   . . .
          . 2 .   9 . 7   . 1 .       4 . .   . 8 .   . . 1
          . . 4   . 8 .   5 . .       2 . .   . 3 .   . 5 .
          . . .   . . .   . . .       . 7 .   6 . .   4 . .

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