Studing the Gordon file I found somes rules that I submit to the autors o 17 clues
Beware the rules does't give valid solutions they eliminate bad
The grid must respect the rules but a grid respecting the rules is not necessary a valid sudoku.
I get the rules only with observations not with math computing so they can be bad!
If you have other technics of if a rule is bad said it
The rules are ONLY for 17 clies!!!!
A Box2 is a box with two clues
2 Row4 are 2 rows with each 4 clues
2 Digit4 means that you have two digits present 4 times
A set is a row, a column or a box of 9 cells.
A empty set is a row, column or box with no clue
1-You cannot have four empty row or col.
2-There only one combination with 3-2 empty rows cols.
3-Maximum 2 empty box
4-2 Empty boxes are exceptional but possible
5-If you have two empty boxes you cannot have empty row or col
6-The maximum of clues for a row, a column or a box is 5
7-You never have the maximum of two set at the same time.
8- If you have 5 clues in a box you can have only one empty box
9- If you dont have a box with only one clues You have 1 or two empty box
10- If you dont have a box with only one clues Dont have box with 4 or 5 clues
11- You can have only two boxes with 4 clues
12- If you have a Box4 you cannot have 5 boxes
13- If you have two 4 boxes you have at less 2 box2
14- If you have only 1 Box1 and no empty box the 8 other boxes are 8 box2
15- Maxi 4 box3
16- You never have the same digit 5 times
17- You dont have more than 2 digit4
18- You have 5 digit1 you have 3 digit3
19- 18 is the only problem where you dont have Digit2
20- You always have at 8 or 9 differents digits (Only 7 differents digit is ompossible)
It's the fordt set of rules I found others but I prefer to verify them
Have a lot of fun