Let a "lucky-cell sudoku" be, roughly, one such that a single lucky guess at the start leads directly to the solution using only the simplest possible moves. More precisely ....
Define a simple move to be the deduction of one correct candidate by a naked- or hidden-single.
Define a "lucky cell" to be a cell with two candidates, such that
(1) guessing the correct candidate leads to a solution by simple moves only, and
(2) guessing the incorrect candidate leads to a contradiction by simple moves only.
Define a "lucky-cell sudoku" to be a unique-solution sudoku which, at the start, has a lucky cell.
(The sudoku discussed at http://forum.enjoysudoku.com/viewtopic.php?t=1458 is a lucky-cell sudoku. It has 30 starting hints, and the given contradiction-path has 18 simple moves. Generally, the sum of these numbers, #hints + contradiction-path-length, might be an interesting total to try to minimize.)
Anyone know of other lucky-cell sudokus, especially with fewer hints and notably short contradiction-paths?