Looking for sudoku program that automatically does basic tec

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Looking for sudoku program that automatically does basic tec

Postby rex4 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 4:40 pm

Hello, I'm looking for a sudoku program (windows or android or a website/flash/excel) that gives hard sudoku grids or allows to enter one manually, that does not completely solve the grid, just do the boring/easy things automatically, that is (I don't know the sudoku vocabulary and don't want to learn it as I may meet "spoilers" by discovering techniques that I didn't find myself yet):
- first it marks in every empty cells the 9 clues minus the obvious impossible ones that are already in same collumn/row/square, many android apps do this but nothing more.
- then if some cells only have one clue, it enters it and repeats the process.
- if a clue is only present in one collumn/row/square, it enters it and repeats the process.
- if in a collumn/row/square 2 cells contain the same 2 clues, it removes those clues in the other cells of that collumn/row/square.
- I would also likes that if in a square there is the same clue only in a row/collumn it removes those clues in the rest of the row/collumn.

I think I found a website that did something like this back in september 2007 but I can't find it again with google, should it still even exists, so thank you in advance for helping me, I like sudoku but don't like at all that each time I enter a digit I have to recheck every cells and end up spending most of the time doing this rather that actually think to solve the grid.
Posts: 2
Joined: 09 July 2019

Re: Looking for sudoku program that automatically does basic

Postby ghfick » Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:34 pm

HoDoKu is written in Java so it runs in MS, Mac and Linux. It has many settings. In its most basic form, it shows the grid along with the candidates in each cell. You can make or exclude and the grid updates.

Andrew Stuart's Solver runs via a web browser. Again, in its basic form, you can manually delete candidates [exclude] or enter a solved cell [make]. It then updates the grid. Many 'advanced' features.

Philip Beeby's solver runs via a web browser. It runs best with Chrome. Again, you can manually delete or enter. Again, many 'advanced' features.

All three come with strong documentation and, as you wish, introductions to solving methods.

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Re: Looking for sudoku program that automatically does basic

Postby coloin » Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:17 pm

try http://www.sadmansoftware.com/sudoku/index.php
i think it does what you need
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Re: Looking for sudoku program that automatically does basic

Postby rex4 » Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:54 pm

Thank you a lot, sudokuwiki does way better than I even wanted.
Posts: 2
Joined: 09 July 2019

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