ohho wrote:I am trying to avoid duplicated effort if there is prior work.
Well, there are already an awful lot of sudoku apps out there (including one by our esteemed admin, Jason Linhart, called Sudoku). Most of them aren't worth the download. (Jason's definitely is.) Many suffer from "invalid puzzle syndrome". Have you reviewed the existing offerings to make sure yours is unique enough to not get lost in the shuffle?
I prefer minimal UI.
That's good. I like minimal, as long as the UI does what it needs to without getting in the user's way.
You may see my previous work, for example:
Unfortunately, I don't do iThings, so I can't try them out. I'm an Android user myself.
Before you start looking for puzzle collections for your app, you yourself must be a sudoku solver and enthusiast. If you are not, then you are likely wasting your time with a sudoku app because you won't understand the needs and desires of your users. Secondly, you need to be able to rate the difficulty of each puzzle with some consistency and accuracy for your puzzles to have any value to your users. I'll leave it to others here to suggest the best one(s) to use.