List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classes

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List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classes

Postby JC Sims » Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:47 am

Hello, my name is JC, and I am working on a research project involving sudoku. I was wondering does anyone have a list of all of the 9x9 sudoku boards. Or does anyone have list of all of the equivalence classes and the sizes of the classes for all 9x9 sudoku boards, or a code that will generate them. Thanks for any help that you can give.
JC Sims
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Re: List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classe

Postby champagne » Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:45 pm

I am not sure to understand what you are looking for, but we call here "solution grids" the 9x9 final value of a sudoku.

There are 5 472 730 538 ED such "solution grids".

The list depends on the canonical form used. The oldest known has been worked out AFAIK by "gsf" years ago using a lexical text minimal form for the solution grid.

Many among us have a program to create such a file. Not always in a form easy to share.
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Re: List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classe

Postby JC Sims » Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:42 pm

Yes, I am looking for a list of all the solution grids.
JC Sims
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Re: List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classe

Postby JC Sims » Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:24 pm

I would be happy to format the code so that it would be compatible for me. Thanks for your help
JC Sims
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Re: List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classe

Postby champagne » Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:35 pm


The file of solution grids would be a huge file, even using a binary compressed file.
The best way is likely to get a code producing it.

Unless you have an urgent need, I can clean my code.
It would then be a windows 64 bit .exe compiled with Microsoft visual C++.

May be somebody else have a code already ready to be shared.
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Re: List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classe

Postby m_b_metcalf » Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:56 am

I seem to recall that, probably on the Sudoku Programmers' Forum, gsf produced a set of CDs with 5Gbytes of data containing, in highly compressed form, all the valid solution grids. Where those CDs are now, I have no idea.


Mike Metcalf

[Edit: well, I got some of that right, but wrong Forum and wrong medium.]
Last edited by m_b_metcalf on Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: List of all 9x9 boards or all the 9x9 equivalence classe

Postby rjamil » Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:45 pm

Hi JC Sims,

Don't know but this thread might help to generate all 416 bands ED grids.

If you need latest gsf Sudoku solver program, please download from here.

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