Bud wrote:For those who have trouble recognizing the pattern, It is a 2-string kite and an x-wing with one cell of each merged.[code]
I find it easier to look on the Kraken X-Wing as a relatively simple variation of a finned X-wing. In the latter case, the fin sees the a digit of the X-wing and the candidate for exclusion directly (ie. they're all in the same box). In the case of the Kraken, X-Wing the fin, as usual, directly see's a member of the X-Wing, but sees the candidate for exclusion through a conjugate link (r6c3 & r6c9 above). The basis for the validity of the exclusion is exactly the same in both cases. Looked at this way, IMO the Kraken X-Wing should be much easier to remember & identify.
Having said that, there is one important difference: Whereas, with the simple finned X-Wing, the exclusion is limited to to a digit that sees one 'leg' of the X-Wing, with the Kraken X-Wing, 2 exclusions are possible- one associated withe each leg. I must admit that in my own solving, I often forget to look for the Kraken X-Wing pattern...