When folks ask for help with really tough puzzles in this forum, the replies fairly often point out Kraken Fish eliminations. What's the program folks are using that include this technique? None of mine do, alas.
Does anyone know of a Kraken Fish primer? I've done my woodshedding on the topic, and most web sites (like Sodopedia) repeatedly point to the same diagram that appeared in this forum a coupla yrs ago by Mike Barker. (I think Mike should get royalties for the number of web sites that have borrowed this information!) This thread and most others in SPF quickly advance way beyond the base concepts, leaving the uninitiated in the dust. The web sites that use the diagram just leave it at that, with not so much as one actual example of the technique in action.
If anyone has the time to do a Kraken primer they might end up more celebrated than Mike Barker .