There are 986400 different Kwords.
K(W) = Kword counts for word length W:
- word length 2: 72
- word length 3: 504
- word length 4: 3024
- word length 5: 15120
- word length 6: 60480
- word length 7: 181440
- word length 8: 362880
- word length 9: 362880
There is a simple formula for K(W). We can choose the digits in C(9, W) ways, and then permute them to obtain C(9, W) * W! different words.
This can be generalised to D-digit words, ie. words whose digits can have D different values. We have K(D, W) = C(D, W) * W!, so in a Hex-Kakuro puzzle (ie. with D=16), the table of Kword counts would be:
- word length 2: 240
- word length 3: 3360
- word length 4: 43680
- word length 5: 524160
- word length 6: 5765760
- word length 7: 57657600
- word length 8: 518918400
- word length 10: 4151347200
- word length 11: 29059430400
- word length 12: 174356582400
- word length 13: 871782912000
- word length 14: 3487131648000
- word length 15: 10461394944000
- word length 16: 20922789888000
The total number of words for D = 16 would thus be a rather daunting 56,874,039,553,200.
Next we will look at interesting number-theoretic properties of standard (D = 9) Kwords.