by eleven » Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:28 pm
There are several options.
If you are familiar with "remote pairs", there is one in cells r8c1, r6c1, r5c82, r5c9.
One of r8c1 and r5c9 must be 1, the other 4. So r8c9 cannot be 1 or 4 (must be 9).
Or (as Dan mentioned above) there is a skyscraper for 1 with strong links in rows 5 and 7 and the common column 2: if r5c9<>1, then r5c2=1, r7c2<>1 and r7c8=1. So one of r5c9 or r7c8 must be 1, and r4c8 and r8c9 cannot be 1.
Another way is, that in column 8 not both r4c8 and r7c8 can be 1, so either r4c8=4 or r7c8=9 -> r7c2=1 -> r5c2=4. So one of r4c8 and r5c2 must be 4 and you can remove 4 from r5c9.