Hi David,
David P Bird wrote:I'm struggling to make sense of the situation you believe isn't covered in the definition of JE+, as I'm getting mixed messages from you.
you wrote:There's a possible variation where rather then considering where it can go in the column, one considers where it can go in the box containing the target pair.
An object cell pair must be different rows to the base pair and if they can be in different columns we extend the object cells from two to four cells (in the row/column intersections) that can only hold one instance of a base digit. To be distinct from the basic JE pattern, this requires that they must contain either an AH triple plus a given, or an AH quad, ie two remote possibilities.
That's exactly what I was talking about, except that I would call them an AH pair, and AH triple -- counting digits, not cells.
The possiblity may be remote, but that shouldn't matter.
Here is is an example.
It isn't the best -- 6r1c5 is redundant, for example, and without it the
- Code: Select all
| 24 134 5 | 1234 6 7 | 1234 8 9 |
| 2468 9 1234 | 12348 5 1234 | 7 136 12346 |
| 2468 78 12347 | 123489 289 1234 | 1234 136 5 |
| 1 56 234 | 2468 278 9 | 345 357 348 |
| 7 56 49 | 1468 3 146 | 1459 2 148 |
| 249 34 8 | 5 27 124 | 6 1379 134 |
| 589 78 79 | 2369 1 2356 | 239 4 236 |
| 3 2 19 | 69 4 8 | 159 1569 7 |
| 459 14 6 | 7 29 235 | 8 139 123 |
The base cells are r1c12, and the fish columns are c347.
r3c7 is a "normal" target cell, and the other target is the "box" AHS for 89 in r23c4+r3c5.
The only elimination is for 2r3c5, and it's kind of a special case, since it doesn't fit the
general description: "non-AHS, non-base-cell digit".
David P Bird wrote:If my analysis is right, are you really suggesting that the JE+ definition should cover this, particularly in light of your opinion that searching for a JE+ with an AHS >2 cells is a waste of time?
Some clarification is in order.
Whether it should be included, isn't for me to decide.
The "AH single in a column" seems easy to explain.
The other cases are a simple extensions of that idea. (But see below).
Maybe the simple JE+ pattern, and a JE++ to cover the more general cases ?
Again, it's (thankfully) not my decision.
For the other kinds of AHS, the example above, with its "odd" elimination, shows that there is an added layer of
complexity, if you want to cover all of the (easily explainable) elimination possibities. Sticking with the "cells in a fish column, in the base band" variety, avoids all of that. Assuming the line-box eliminations have been done at that point, the the "is it a box AHS or a column AHS" question, would be avoided as well (... it's both).
David P Bird wrote:you wrote:would guess that I looked for two target cells that contained the base cell digits, and then looked at whether forcing one of them, would produce a hidden n-tuple that didn't exist before.
If that's the case, then the one target cell can be extended to a set that includes the 'n' cells from the "would be" n-tuple. When the positions for the target cells are unrestricted, you'ld probably also need to make sure that if you extended each cell to an AHS cell set, that the two cell sets didn't overlap, and (whether it was two AHS or one) that neither set included a base cell.
(Does that sound right ?).
In a word, no

Right. I see that I should at least have added that the hidden n-tuple (and so the AHS), shouldn't include a base digit.
(With that, it would be impossible for the associated AHS to include a base cell).
About the AHS's overlapping ... what ?
If they shared a candidate, then the elimination argument wouldn't work, I think.
If they shared a cell, but not a candidate, then the (suitably modified) "exocet" condition
couldn't be met, since if it was, it would be forcing (N1+1)+(N2+1) distinct number
placements, into fewer then N1+N2+2 cells.
Saying that they don't overlap ... the cell sets in particular ... covers both cases.
What else am I missing ?
Whether I actually used the hidden n-tuple idea, or wrote code to look for AHS's directly, I don't know.
I know I didn't have any pre-existing AHS code around at the time.