JExocet Pattern Definition

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby ronk » Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:16 pm

Leren wrote:When this is the case, the digit of interest can be eliminated from the x positions (in Row 5 of the exemplar diagram) ie in Row 9 in the above PM - leading to r9c6 <> 6.

The reason for this is that if Target Cell r6c5 <> 6 then r9c5 = 6. If r6c5 = 6 then the JE => r4c13 = 6 => r56c2 <> 6 => r9c2 = 6. Thus all 6's in Row 9 except for Columns 2 and 5 can be eliminated

Very nice explanation for why 6r9 is a 0-rank link. There is a similar explanation for 6b4 being a 0-rank link yielding r6c1<>6, [edit: but a 1-rank grouped skyscraper is simpler.]

[edit2: add the following]
____Image (Clickable thumbnail)

8 Truths = {2C8 6C25 8C258 4N13}
10 Links = {2r4 6r9 8r349 9n2 6n5 5n8 68b4}
4 Eliminations --> r5c8<>6, r6c1<>6, r9c6<>6, r9c2<>8
Last edited by ronk on Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby champagne » Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:47 pm

here a question to eleven.

I had a look to the distribution of ratings in your file with ratings over 8.5

The file contains 282588 puzzles

the maximum rating is 9.3 ( 3 puzzles).

that means that no result can be given for ratings over 9.2 and likely over 9.1.

based on your experience, what would be the price to pay to generate a pseudo unbiased sample for higher ratings.

you will not be surprised if I tell you that I strongly believe that we have more than 60% of potential hardest of puzzles with 20_23 clues , and likely 50% of such puzzles with 24 clues in the current data base of potential hardest. I also strongly believe that over 26 clues, the yield will be very poor.


I checked the situation for puzzles rating 9.2.
I found 157 puzzles.

I have heavy doubts that a sample with such a low count can be used to draw any conclusion in that area.
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby eleven » Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:32 pm

Hi champagne,
champagne wrote:based on your experience, what would be the price to pay to generate a pseudo unbiased sample for higher ratings.

I don't know, how one could do that in reasonable time without an incalculable bias.
I have heavy doubts that a sample with such a low count can be used to draw any conclusion in that area.

Puzzles with higher rating are that rare, that the overall percentage of JE puzzles in ER 8.5+ or ER 9+ puzzles should be very near to that in the sample.
My idea had been, that you compare just puzzles with fixed ER's like 8.3 and 9.0 in your and my sets. If there would have been a good correlation, then e.g. your percentages in 10.0 puzzles were also probable to be near to that of random puzzles. However the correlation seems to be very bad also for fixed ER's.
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby champagne » Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:48 pm

eleven wrote:Hi champagne,
champagne wrote:based on your experience, what would be the price to pay to generate a pseudo unbiased sample for higher ratings.

I don't know, how one could do that in reasonable time without an incalculable bias.
I have heavy doubts that a sample with such a low count can be used to draw any conclusion in that area.

Puzzles with higher rating are that rare, that the overall percentage of JE puzzles in ER 8.5+ or ER 9+ puzzles should be very near to that in the sample.
My idea had been, that you compare just puzzles with fixed ER's like 8.3 and 9.0 in your and my sets. If there would have been a good correlation, then e.g. your percentages in 10.0 puzzles were also probable to be near to that of random puzzles. However the correlation seems to be very bad also for fixed ER's.

I am not expert in statistics, but I keep in mind from my school time that studying the value of a sample is a tough task.

Here it's clear that the sample has no value for ratings above 9.2, and likely a close to nil value for ratings 9.0 to 9.2

I can easily meet your view for ratings below 9.0. The generation of puzzles in the vicinity of potential hardest is heavily biased as soon as you leave the high ratings area.The highest is the distance to the cut off, the highest is the bias.

I started the task of rating the whole file of the "so called grey area" in my sample. This is a one month task at least, but at the end, I'll be in a position to produce a square table giving the ratio of seen frequency in the sample per rating and number of clues.

This could give a better idea of how far we are in both approach


I don't know what you have in mind when you say
Code: Select all
However the correlation seems to be very bad also for fixed ER's.

but it's clear to me that the ratings 7.6 to 8.2 in serate are over evaluated (lack of group handling).

the true barrier is 8.3, for puzzles requiring the "region or cell" conflict.

In the range 8.6 9.0, serate has IMO an homogeneous behaviour
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby champagne » Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:03 pm

just in the same topic, some data from the current potential data base status (I have to check if the flag for JE is up to date)
here the ratio JE / total number of puzzles per number of clues

Code: Select all
20     42     218   16.15%
21   1734    7896   18.01%
22  39724   27958   58.69%
23 194879   37673   83.80%
24 281375   66479   80.89%
25 158948   71640   68.93%
   676702  211864   76.16%
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby eleven » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:47 pm

champagne wrote:I don't know what you have in mind when you say
Code: Select all
However the correlation seems to be very bad also for fixed ER's.

We now know from your results for the pseudo random set and Denis' calculation, that in random puzzles with ER>8.5 there are less than 0.02% puzzles with an JE (as defined in your program). This is a lot less than the 3.6% you even got for the green zone (ER < 7.5) in your set. So also the percentages for fixed ER's like 8.3 or 9.0 in your sets must be very far from that in random sets.
All we know for puzzles with ER > 9 is that the commonness of a JE is somehow exponentially growing with the ER up to the potential hardest.
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby champagne » Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:32 am

eleven wrote:
champagne wrote:I don't know what you have in mind when you say
Code: Select all
However the correlation seems to be very bad also for fixed ER's.

We now know from your results for the pseudo random set and Denis' calculation, that in random puzzles with ER>8.5 there are less than 0.02% puzzles with an JE (as defined in your program). This is a lot less than the 3.6% you even got for the green zone (ER < 7.5) in your set. So also the percentages for fixed ER's like 8.3 or 9.0 in your sets must be very far from that in random sets.
All we know for puzzles with ER > 9 is that the commonness of a JE is somehow exponentially growing with the ER up to the potential hardest.

I prefer "random puzzles with ER in the range 8.6 9.0 " to stick to what the sample says, but this is not a key point.

As I said, It will take one month to get the rating of my sample, but this is the distribution of JE per ER in the data base

Code: Select all
er   JE   nb    
11.9   6   8   75.00%
11.8   19   50   38.00%
11.7   44   102   43.14%
11.6   75   149   50.34%
11.5   313   382   81.94%
11.4   772   988   78.14%
11.3   4110   5318   77.28%
11.2   11848   14755   80.30%
11.1   37723   43677   86.37%
11.0   47829   54294   88.09%
10.9   95529   109047   87.60%
10.8   77686   89953   86.36%
10.7   27633   36178   76.38%
10.6   107964   145383   74.26%
10.5   202775   284393   71.30%
10.4   29525   50883   58.03%
10.3   32851   53098   61.87%

   676702   888658   76.15%

The ER has a discontinuity in the low range, with a switch from serate to SKFR,
Another discontinuity comes from the cut off definition. (diamonds 10.3 10.4, pearls 10.5_10.9, all 11.xx)

If we forget the head with a low count, the tendency you have in mind seems already there.
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby Leren » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:51 am

ronk wrote: There is a similar explanation for 6b4 being a 0-rank link yielding r6c1<>6

Now I've had a chance to study your post it's obvious (with the wisdom of hindsight) that the same argument
that shows that 6 can only be true in Columns 2 and 5 of Row 9 also shows that it can only be true in Row 4 or Column 2
of Box 4 (in the example puzzle). In terms of David's Exemplar diagram, for JExocet digits with Orthogonal line cover and r1c7 not having the digit
then it may be eliminated from positions marked # and x whether or not it eventually occupies a Base cell.

Code: Select all
Single JExocet

B B . | . . . | \ . .   B = base cells 
x x . | . \ . | T . .   T = target cell
x x . | . # . | \ . .   # = exclusion target cell
. . \ | . O . | \ . .   
x x O | x x x | O x x <   
. . \ | . O . | \ . .   O = occupied (maximum)
------+-------+------   \ = does not contain digit of interest
. . \ | . O . | \ . .   x = exclusion cells
. . \ | . O . | \ . .     
. . \ | . O . | \ . .

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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby daj95376 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:53 am

Here is DPB's original grid and three "types" of line pairs.

Code: Select all
    JExocet chute in [band 1]
    | B B . | . . . | . . . |  B = Base Cells
    | . . . | Q . . | R . . |
    | . . . | Q . . | R . . |  Q = 1st Target Pair
    *-------*-------*-------*  R = 2nd Target Pair
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |  S = Cross-line Cells (outside JExocet chute)
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    *-------*-------*-------*  . = Any candidates
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |

Code: Select all
    Examples   (using "S/" instead of "O\" )
                                    v           v                         v
     . . / | / . . | / . .      . . S | / . . | S . .     . . / | / . . | S . .
     . . S | S . . | S . . <    . . S | / . . | S . .     . . S | S . . | S . . <
     . . / | / . . | / . .      . . S | / . . | S . .     . . / | / . . | S . .
     . . / | / . . | / . .      . . S | / . . | S . .     . . / | / . . | S . .
     . . S | S . . | S . . <    . . S | / . . | S . .     . . / | / . . | S . .
     . . / | / . . | / . .      . . S | / . . | S . .     . . / | / . . | S . .
    2 Parallel lines (I)        2 Parallel Lines (II)     2 Orthogonal Lines

So, how do you interpret each of these if we factor in the assumption that BB is true for a specific value.

Code: Select all
    JExocet chute in [band 1]
    | B B ~ | ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ |  B = Base Cells
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q . . | R . . |
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q . . | R . . |  Q = 1st Target Pair
    *-------*-------*-------*  R = 2nd Target Pair
    | . . / | / . . | / . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |  S = Cross-line Cells (outside JExocet chute)
    | . . / | / . . | / . . |
    *-------*-------*-------*  . = Any candidates
    | . . / | / . . | / . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    | . . / | / . . | / . . |
    2 Parallel lines (I)

    if Q is False  ->  X-Wing in S[c34\r58] ->  r58c7<>S  ->  R True   (fundamental JExocet scenario)

Code: Select all
    JExocet chute in [band 1]
    | B B ~ | ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ |  B = Base Cells
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q . . | R . . |
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q . . | R . . |  Q = 1st Target Pair
    *-------*-------*-------*  R = 2nd Target Pair
    | . . S | / . . | S . . |
    | . . S | / . . | S . . |  S = Cross-line Cells (outside JExocet chute)
    | . . S | / . . | S . . |
    *-------*-------*-------*  . = Any candidates
    | . . S | / . . | S . . |
    | . . S | / . . | S . . |
    | . . S | / . . | S . . |
    2 Parallel Lines (II)

    Q is trivially True for the BB value

Code: Select all
    JExocet chute in [band 1]
    | B B ~ | ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ |  B = Base Cells
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q . . | R . . |
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q . . | R . . |  Q = 1st Target Pair
    *-------*-------*-------*  R = 2nd Target Pair
    | . . / | / . . | S . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |  S = Cross-line Cells (outside JExocet chute)
    | . . / | / . . | S . . |
    *-------*-------*-------*  . = Any candidates
    | . . / | / . . | S . . |
    | . . / | / . . | S . . |
    | . . / | / . . | S . . |
    2 Orthogonal Lines

    r5c3=S  ->  r5c4<>S  ->  Q is True for the BB value

Now, consider any scenario where a base value k is forced into Q if it is true in BB. Then we know that k can't be in R because the same value can't be the solution for both Q and R. However, if k is not true in BB, then two other values will exist in Q and R ... and, again, k is not in R.

Leren has emphasized the last scenario, but the above logic also applies to DPB's second scenario ... and this scenario with an ER in [b2]:

Code: Select all
    JExocet chute in [band 1]
    | B B ~ | ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ |  B = Base Cells
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q / / | R . . |
    | ~ ~ ~ | Q / / | R . . |  Q = 1st Target Pair
    *-------*-------*-------*  R = 2nd Target Pair
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |  S = Cross-line Cells (outside JExocet chute)
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    *-------*-------*-------*  . = Any candidates
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |
    | . . S | S . . | S . . |

    Q is trivially True for the BB value

[Edit: reworded logic to where it's more understandable. (I hope!)]
Last edited by daj95376 on Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby Leren » Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:23 pm

daj95376 wrote: Now, consider any scenario where a base value is forced into Q if it is true in BB. Then we know that this value can't be in R because the same value can't be the solution for both Q and R in a JExocet. Similarly, if this value is not true in BB, then two other values will exist in Q and R ... and, again, the value is not in R.

I agree with your overal conclusions but you might rethink the wording of this paragraph - it reads like a tautology - the second sentence is true because you have assumed it to be true in the first sentence.

The way I would word it goes something like this (using your exemplar diagram). Call the digit of interest d.

Suppose d is true in BB and suppose it is forced into RR by the JE property. So r1c4 <> d because it is in one of r1c12 = BB. r23c4 = QQ <> 4 because of the JE property and the fact that it is in RR. That means that r5c4 = d and r5c3 <> d (assuming r5c3 is not a given as d). That means that one of r3c123 = d, which contradicts the assumption that d is in BB = r1c12. Thus RR <> d if BB = d. You can then apply your third sentence and conclude that RR <> d irrespective of whether BB = d. For the case of r5c3 = d as a given then only r1c4 and QQ = r23c4 can contain d so d is forced into QQ if it's in BB (so can't be in r1c4).

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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby daj95376 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:37 pm

First, I updated the wording in my previous post. I hope it's clearer now.

Slight tangent from JExocet discussion.

IIRC, 4-value Exocets with a 3x3 configuration in the base cells are not very common. This puzzle, from a recent champagne list, has two of them. I doubt if either Exocet qualifies as a JExocet. However, each has some very interesting properties.

Code: Select all

 |  9      8      124    |  7      125    1235   |  6      345    12345  |
 |  7      3      124    |  8      1256   1256   |  9      45     1245   |
 |  12     5      6      |  9      4      123    |  1278   378    12378  |
 |  8      124    127    |  5      126    12467  |  3      9      1467   |
 |  1234   6      1237   |  124    8      9      |  147    457    1457   |
 |  14     9      5      |  14     3      67     |  78     2      678    |
 | q2345   7      238    |rQ6      25     245    | Q248    1      9      |
 |  1246   124    9      | Q1234   7      8      | Q5     b346   b234    |
 | q12456 B124   B128    | r1234   9      1245   |  2478   34678  23478  |
 # 118 eliminations remain

 ### -1248- QExocet   Base = r9c23   Target = r8c4,r7c7

 *** found 3x3 base values in target cells for 4-value QExocet
 *** note: 2x base values -- 1 and 8 --  present as givens in BB chute
 *** note: ER pattern in [b8] for value=1
 *** note: ER pattern in [b9] for value=8

 ### -2346- qExocet   base = r8c89   target = (SL=5)r79c1,r9c4   aligned

 *** found 3x3 base values in target cells for 4-value qExocet
 *** note: 1x base value -- 6 --  present as a given in bb chute
 *** note: companion cell r7c4=6 contains a base cells value !!!
 *** note: [ r8c89 - r8c4 = r9c4 ] for value=3
 *** note: [ r8c89 - r8c1 = r9c1 ] for value=6

Since the Exocets have only two values in common, I'm still trying to decide if they form a double Exocet.
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby champagne » Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:10 pm

daj95376 wrote:First, I updated the wording in my previous post. I hope it's clearer now.

Slight tangent from JExocet discussion.

IIRC, 4-value Exocets with a 3x3 configuration in the base cells are not very common. This puzzle, from a recent champagne list, has two of them. I doubt if either Exocet qualifies as a JExocet. However, each has some very interesting properties....
Since the Exocets have only two values in common, I'm still trying to decide if they form a double Exocet.

Hi Danny,

I extracted and shared some puzzles with several twin exocets to study them.

Normally, they are all twin JE's at the point I produced the PM, but you can produce other patterns.

In my view, the minimum to qualify a couple of Exocets of "double exocet" is that they share the same digits.

In my list, some puzzles don't respect that condition.

Another point is that the pattern must show that the 2 bases can not have the same digits in the solution (this is with 4 digits "sharing one for 2 JE3s")

This is one point I wanted to analyse in such patterns.

Anyway you went deeper in the eliminations than me for classical patterns and I am sure your can fins many things in that lot.

Especially, non "double exocets" patterns surely can have some mixed effetcs
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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby Leren » Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:42 pm

daj95376 wrote Slight tangent from JExocet discussion.

There are other issues assocated with that recent list of puzzles that Champagne posted. For Danny's example puzzle here it is with the Exocet detection details that Champagne provided to me.

;2;0;match type;26;r7c5 r7c6 r8c1 r9c1 r9c7 245;r8c8 r8c9 r7c1 r9c1 r9c4 2346;;;;

Code: Select all
| 9      8     124    | 7     125   1235   | 6     345   12345  |
| 7      3     124    | 8     1256  1256   | 9     45    1245   |
| 12     5     6      | 9     4     123    | 1278  378   12378  |
| 8      124   127    | 5     126   12467  | 3     9     1467   |
| 1234   6     1237   | 124   8     9      | 147   457   1457   |
| 14     9     5      | 14    3     67     | 78    2     678    |
| 2345   7     238    | 6    B25   B245    | 248   1     9      |
|T24+6   24    9      | 1234  7     8      | 5     346   234    |
|t1245+6 124   128    | 1234  9     1245   |T24    34678 23478  |

In Champagne's terminology he sees 2 twin Exocets - one pair with base digits 245 and the other pair with base 2346. The PM shows the situation for the 245 pair. The problem I had detecting this was that the companion cell in Box 9, r8c7 has a given in the Base. Not to worry: The other 2 digits 2&4 satisfy JExocet type conditions. For digit 5 you have to prove that if 5 is in r7c56 then it will be in exactly one of r9c7, or r89c1 (since this is a twin with SIS digit 6 in r89c1). With this expanded definition of an Exocet pattern I can find all of the Exocets in Champagne's recent list - but I wouldn't call them Jexocets, just Exocets in a more general sense.

Perhaps Champagne could republish that puzzle list with the Exocet detection details.

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Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby champagne » Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:12 am

Hi leren,

I give the original not truncated list below.

several comments

some puzzles, including the puzzle discussed above will disappear with the added cut off at 30 known cells

I built the file to study twin JEs so all exocets shoud be JE's, but may be with an extended definition for downgraded forms compared to David's one (the thread owner)
I try here to stick to JE's

I intended to extract only puzzles having a chance to give a double exocet, but I made some errors. Several puzzles, including that one have no chance to be a double exocet. However, the pattern is very close to the first one I looked at (with the same four digits for the 2 bases).

I checked in your PM, both are, in my view severely downgraded forms of twin JE's (several digits assigned to one of the targets)

Hidden Text: Show
98.7..6..7..5..4...56.3....5..8..9...6...2.....8..7.1..7.6...94....857...........; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c5 r7c6 r8c1 r9c1 r9c7 123;r8c8 r8c9 r7c1 r9c1 r9c4 1236;;;;;
98.7..6..5..9..4....7.3....4..5..8...7.....2...8..1....6..597.....6...48........5; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c8 r7c9 r8c1 r9c1 r9c4 123;r8c5 r8c6 r7c1 r9c1 r9c7 1237;;;;;
98.7..6..7..........5.64...3.....9....86...4......2..5..94..56...75...8.....1...9; ;2;0;match type;62;r1c5 r1c6 r2c8 r3c8 r2c3 1235;r3c1 r3c2 r1c8 r2c8 r2c4 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..5..4....5.3....4..9..8...5.....2...8..1....6..975.....6...84........7; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c8 r7c9 r8c1 r9c1 r9c4 123;r8c5 r8c6 r7c1 r9c1 r9c7 1235;;;;;
98.7..6..7..8..59...4.....38..3..9...2.....31....1....3...86.5..9.5..........38..; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c2 r7c3 r8c9 r9c9 r9c4 247;r8c5 r8c6 r7c9 r9c9 r9c1 1247;;;;;
98.7..6..7..8..9...56.4....3..5..2...6...9.....5.3..1..7.6...29....785...........; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c5 r7c6 r8c1 r9c1 r9c7 145;r8c8 r8c9 r7c1 r9c1 r9c4 1346;;;;;
98.7..6..7..8..9...56.4....8..5..3...6...9.....5.3..2..7.6...19....785...........; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c5 r7c6 r8c1 r9c1 r9c7 245;r8c8 r8c9 r7c1 r9c1 r9c4 2346;;;;;
98.7..6..7.5....4..6......85.6.8..3....5........3....94.76...8..2..71.......4.1..; ;2;0;match type;26;r8c4 r9c4 r2c5 r2c6 r4c6 289;r5c5 r6c5 r2c4 r2c6 r7c6 1269;;;;;
98.7..6..7.5....4..6......95.6.9..3....5........3....24.76...9..1..72.......4.3..; ;2;0;match type;26;r8c4 r9c4 r2c5 r2c6 r4c6 189;r5c5 r6c5 r2c4 r2c6 r7c6 1268;;;;;
98.7..6..7.6.5..9...5.4....63.5....9.....4.6.......58.37.6...5...2..........1...7; ;2;0;match type;26;r8c8 r9c8 r3c7 r3c9 r4c7 123;r5c9 r6c9 r3c7 r3c8 r7c7 1234;;;;;
98.7..6..5..9..4....7....3.6..5..8...7......2..8.1.....4..597.....4...86.......5.; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c8 r7c9 r8c1 r9c1 r9c4 123;r8c5 r8c6 r7c1 r9c1 r9c7 1237;;;;;
98.7..6..5..9..7....4....3.6..5..4...48.2.........4..1.9.4...76....589...........; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c5 r7c6 r8c1 r9c1 r9c7 123;r8c8 r8c9 r7c1 r9c1 r9c4 1234;;;;;
98.7..6..7...5..8...4....7.36.2...9...7...2.......13..23.8.......6..7.......6.9..; ;2;0;match type;26;r2c7 r3c7 r7c8 r7c9 r4c9 145;r5c8 r6c8 r7c7 r7c9 r1c9 1456;;;;;
98.7..6..7..5..94.....3...88...75.9..649..............6..8..5...2.....84.....1...; ;2;0;match type;26;r4c2 r4c3 r5c7 r6c7 r6c4 123;r5c5 r5c6 r4c7 r6c7 r6c1 1238;;;;;;
98.76.5..7...4.9....3..8...6..97.4.....5.3..........2.1..4...56.7....1......1...4; ;2;0;match type;26;r7c2 r7c3 r8c6 r9c6 r9c7 289;r8c8 r8c9 r7c6 r9c6 r9c1 2389;;;;;
98.7..6..7...5......4..8.3.4....975..7....2....5.8...1.4...5.8....1....6....2.3..; ;2;0;match type;26;r6c1 r6c2 r4c9 r5c9 r4c4 236;r4c2 r6c2 r8c1 r8c3 r2c3 1236;;;;;
98.7..6..5.4.6..3......8...62...57....8....1.........317..5.9...4.9........8.7..2; ;2;0;match type;26;r4c8 r4c9 r5c5 r6c5 r5c1 r6c1 489;r4c8 r6c8 r3c7 r3c9 r7c9 4689;;;;;

cancelling the followings

98.7..6....5.9.........4.7.8.......5.3...52....64...8.1..........86...4......21.3;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;3;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54...3......5...9..6..7..54..8.9.2.....8...78....4.....15..;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c9 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7...5.....4.8..7..8....3....279..4....9....1...86...94....278..........6; ;1;1;match type;0;r8c8 r8c9 r9c2 r9c4 135;;;;;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54....3..4.9....79...8.........2..96..35...45...7......1..9;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54....7..3..5...95....7..54..8.6.2...15....78....4.......8.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c9 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54...3.....9....59...4......2..5..94..26...75...8.....1...9;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;;;
98.7.....6...5......4..86..4....69.....3...7.....2...5.5...18....85....2..1....3.; ;1;1;match type;0;r1c3 r2c3 r4c2 r7c1 237;;;;23;;
98.7.....7.....6....6....543......6..7..93.....85..4...2..1......78..5.......9.12;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;;;
98.7..6....5.94..........7.5...3.2.43..........84...6..1...2.....96...4.......1.5;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;;;
98.7..6....5.98.......4..7.5.......3..68...9.....2.1...3......5..96...4......12..;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;3;;
98.7..6..5..9...4...7.3....6..5..8...7.....2...8..1....4..985....54...67.........;D;2;2;match type;00;r7c8 r7c9 r9c1 r9c4 123;r8c5 r8c6 r9c1 r9c7 123;;;;;
98.7..6..5.7.9.........4....5..8..3..2......1..96..8....58..4......1..8......3..2;D;2;2;match type;01;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c7 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c7 123;;;2;;
98.7..6..7.5.9.........4....7..8..3..2......1..96..5....78..4......1..8......3..2;D;2;2;match type;01;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c7 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c7 123;;;2;;
98.76....7.....5....6....4.5....3.2...9.7.8.....1....5.1...2.....8.9.4.....5....3;D;2;2;match type;01;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c5 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c5 r1c7 123;;;1;;
98.76.5..7..4..9....3......5....8....6..4.7.....5...944..97.8....8.2...........1.;D;2;2;match type;00;r4c8 r4c9 r5c1 r5c4 123;r6c2 r6c3 r5c4 r4c7 123;;;;;
9876.....5...4.....3....7..3......8..485..9......2..5..654...7......16........4.9;D;2;2;match type;00;r4c7 r6c7 r1c9 r7c9 123;r8c8 r9c8 r1c9 r5c9 123;;;1;;
98.7..6....7.95.......4..5.8.....3...3..2...1..95...6.1.....4....86...9......42..;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;1;;
98.7..6..5...4......3..2...4...5.....6.1..7....2....3..9.....67...4...8.....819..; ;1;1;match type;1;r9c8 r9c9 r8c2 r7c4 235;;;;5;;
98.7..6..5...4......3..2...4...5.....6.1..7....2....3..9.....78...4...6.....619..; ;1;1;match type;1;r9c8 r9c9 r8c2 r7c4 235;;;;5;;
98.7.......6.9.8.....5.....7...4.3....4....2...3..7.1..9...1..5.6..8.9.....2...7.; ;1;1;match type;0;r1c3 r3c3 r4c2 r8c1 125;;;;12;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54...32.....9...92....5......2....75..9.6..49....8.....1.4.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c9 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7.6.............54.3..2..4...74..8.......1..9..56..4......3..1......9..2;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c8 r1c9 r3c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c7 123;;;3;;
98.7..6..7.6.............54.3..9..4...74..8.......2..1..56..4......3..2......1..9;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c8 r1c9 r3c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c7 123;;;3;;
98.76....7.....5....6....4.6....3..9.2..1......78..4....96..7......2..3......5..1;D;2;2;match type;01;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;2;;
98.7..6....54...9.........36...5...8..2..6.5.....2.1..1....7....6.9..3....9.4..7.; ;1;1;match type;1;r7c5 r8c5 r2c6 r5c4 138;;;;8;;
98.7.....7.....6....6....543......9...86..4......92....1...5..2..78..5.......1.3.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;;;
98.7..6....5.4.........6.7.4.......3..64...9......21..3.....2...1......5..98...4.;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;13;;
98.7..6..75.4..8....3......6.7.2.....4.9..7.........1....8...57....649.......9..8;D;2;2;match type;00;r7c5 r7c6 r9c2 r9c7 123;r8c8 r8c9 r9c2 r9c4 123;;;;;
98.7.....7...6......5..87..8....45.....3...6.....9...2.5...14....42....9..1....3.; ;1;1;match type;0;r1c3 r2c3 r4c2 r7c1 236;;;;3;;
98.7..6....7.95........4.5.3...4.2....86...9......2....1..3.4....95...6.........1;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7.5.9.........4...5...8..3..2......1..86..5....78..4......1..8......3..2;D;2;2;match type;01;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c7 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c7 123;;;2;;
98.7.....7.....6....6....548...3......79..5.......2..1.3..5...8..96..4.......1.2.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;;;
98.7..6....5.4........6..7.4.......3..64...9......21..3.....2...1......5..98...4.;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;13;;
98.7..6....7.5.........9.545...4...3..8..69.....3.....2..6...1..1..2......6..74..;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r3c3 r2c6 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c6 r2c7 123;;;;;
98.7..6....7.95........4.5.3.....2....86...9.....42....7..3...1.1....4....95...6.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;;;
98.7..6....7.95........4.5.4.......32...4.1....85...6..3...1.....96...8.......2..;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;3;;
98.7..6....7.95.......4..5.3.....2...4......3..85...6..2...41....96...8.....1....;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;2;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54....3....85...78....9.....2.....96....4..85..2.6....1..8.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c9 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..56.4.......3...6..2..5....1..6.8.....4....5......26.74...9....9.....5; ;1;1;match type;0;r7c2 r7c3 r9c4 r9c7 138;;;;;;
98.7..6..7.5.6.....4...9...8......7..3.....4...6.9.5..2.4.5..6......19........2.5; ;1;1;match type;0;r4c7 r5c7 r2c9 r7c9 138;;;;;;
98.7.....7.....6....6....5432..1......75..4.......3....7..9..1...86..5.......2..9;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;2;;
98.7..6..5..........4.9..5.4...8..9....6..3.......2..7.7..5..1...8..7..2..13.....; ;1;1;match type;0;r1c3 r2c3 r4c2 r7c1 236;;;;23;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54....3..2.5....86...94...........75..9.6..59....8.....1.5.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c9 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54....3..2.7....96...43...........75..86...58...9......1..5;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54...5....3.8...85....4..74....9.2..1.8....58....6.......5.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c9 123;;;;;
98.76....5.....4....7..9.5.3..2.......8.5.7.......1..4..5.9.8.....4...2......3..1;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c5 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c5 r1c7 123;;;3;;
98.76....7.....5....5....643....2....7.3...1...8.7.6...9.........7.8.4.....1...92;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c5 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c5 r1c7 123;;;;;
98.76....7.....5....6....4.3...2......89..7.......5.1..1..5...2..98..4.......3.5.;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c8 r1c9 r2c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;3;;
98.7..6..5.7..........64....3..4..2...68..4.......9..1..59..7......1..3......2..9;D;2;2;match type;10;r1c5 r1c6 r3c3 r2c7 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c7 123;;;3;;
98.7..6..7.58..4...3..2....4..5..8...58....1............96...45....789..........6;D;2;2;match type;00;r7c5 r7c6 r9c1 r9c7 123;r8c8 r8c9 r9c1 r9c4 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7...5......5.46....3....8....98...54....2......84..5.6..76....9.....1.8.;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c9 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..5..49...3.....78..9..5...2......9....1..7.4...59....786...4...6......;D;2;2;match type;00;r7c2 r7c3 r9c4 r9c7 123;r8c5 r8c6 r9c1 r9c7 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..........6.54....3....5....95...4......2..9..84..97...59...6.....1...5;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c8 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r2c8 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7...5......4..8.7.4....9.8....3....5....6.2...6...1.9...8.2......1...3.6; ;1;1;match type;0;r1c3 r2c3 r4c2 r7c1 235;;;;2;;
9876.....65....8.........4.3...4..5..7...3..2..57..3...1...2.3...98..6......1...5;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r3c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;;;
9876.....65....9.........4.3...4..5..9...3..2..57..3...1...2.3...98..6......1...5;D;2;2;match type;00;r1c8 r1c9 r3c3 r2c4 123;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 123;;;;;
98.7..6..7..6..95...6.....43..8..5...6..2......8....1..7.9...85....367.........9.; ;1;1;match type;0;r8c8 r8c9 r9c1 r9c4 124;;;;;;
Last edited by champagne on Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 02 August 2007
Location: France Brittany

Re: JExocet Pattern Defintion

Postby Leren » Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:45 am

Hi Champagne,

I'm going through your latest list of puzzles - so far this list looks well behaved - I'm on holidays so I only have time for Sudoku in short spells at the moment.

One difference I found was in the following puzzle.

98.7.....6...5......4..86..4....69.....3...7.....2...5.5...18....85....2..1....3.; ;1;1;match type;0;r1c3 r2c3 r4c2 r7c1 237;;;;23;;

I found a double: r8c1 r9c1 r3c2 r4c2 237 / r1c3 r2c3 r4c2 r7c1 237 - this may indicate a bug in your code (or mine!)

I'll try to run thru the full list and report any interesting findings when I have time.

It's hot in Darwin !!

Posts: 5133
Joined: 03 June 2012


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