FairyTailed wrote:I'm sorry, I will do this from now on! I'm not exactly sure how to do a text-based grid, so I'll paste strings for now.
Great! In Hodoku you can get the pencil mark grid from the menu "Edit::Copy Candidates", and in SudokuWiki by clicking "Email This Board". Then you can paste it into a text editor if you want to edit it or add some mark-up (use fixed font). When you paste it into a post, put it inside a "Code" block to keep the font fixed.
I'm interested in the Crane you mention. I know Turbot Fish, 2-String-Kite and Skyscraper. However, I've never heard of a Crane.
I would have been surprised if you had! I'm glad you asked -- and actually figured it out already:
I've always been told that 2-String-Kites and Skyscrapers are variants of what is called a Turbot Fish. For long I believed these were the only two variants. Until I hit this puzzle - of which you can see the state here:
https://i.imgur.com/uGDkwmu.png. Alternatively here is a string between the brackets: "1.....7.374.3.....8...5.496....6..85...".
As you can see by the image, we have a Turbot Fish on 1's. At least, it matches what is commonly described as one. However, it's not a Skyscraper, nor a normal 2-String-Kite. Is this the Crane you speak off? I've been looking on Google but I cannot seem to find anything about Cranes in Sudoku.
You deduced it correctly! Turbot Crane is what's been traditionally called "Turbot Fish" (as a specific pattern). Your example would be:
- Code: Select all
| 1 59 569 | 2689 2489 2468 | 7 25 3 |
| 7 4 569 | 3 29 26 | 128 125 128 |
| 8 23 23 | 17 5 17 | 4 9 6 |
| 234 239 2349 | 127 6 1237 | 123 8 5 |
| 23 78 78 | 4 *1239 5 | 1239 6 2-1 |
| 5 6 1 | 289 2389 238 | 239 7 4 |
| 9 28 248 | 1268 7 12468 | 5 3 *128 |
| 234 23578 234578 | 1258 *12348 12348 | 6 *124 9 |
| 6 1 23458 | 258 2348 9 | 28 24 7 |
Turbot Crane: (1)r5c5 = r8c5 - r8c8 = (1)r7c9 => -1 r5c9
The original name "Turbot Fish" was ambiguous because it's also the family name, which makes accurate communication impossible. If you say a pattern is a Turbot Fish, there's no way to know if you mean Skyscraper, 2-String Kite, or the specific Turbot Fish pattern -- because they're all Turbot Fishes.
You can see the practical problem in Hodoku, for example, because there's no way to look for that particular pattern specifically. If you filter Turbot Fishes, you'll get all three kinds. Only Skyscrapers and Kites can be filtered as specific patterns but not the third one. It can also be found under Empty Rectangles if you turn on "Allow ERs with two candidates", but then it gets mixed with all the normal ERs. So, there's no way around the problem, and it's because the original naming of these patterns wasn't very well thought through.
That's why we (or I) came up with the new unambiguous name Turbot Crane, giving it an equal footing with the other two Turbot Fishes. The name is roughly related to the shape of the pattern. You can find the original discussion
here. I don't know if the name will ever catch on, but at least it's now been adopted by
tarek in the
Sukaku Explainer. That gives me hope.
You also speak about Empty Rectangle's as Grouped Turbot Cranes. I'm interested to see why exactly that is once I know what a crane is.
All three Turbot Fishes have grouped counterparts, meaning that the pattern contains at least one group link (as opposed to just simple links). We have Grouped Skyscrapers (same as Finned/Sashimi X-Wing), Grouped 2-String Kites, and now also Grouped Turbot Cranes. Traditionally the last one has been called "Empty Rectangle", but it's another ambiguous name because it's been used to mean either the full pattern or just a hinge strong link in a box (and not even necessarily a grouped one). In
this discussion it was eventually agreed that to avoid the ambiguity, we should use "Grouped Turbot Crane" for the full pattern (in line with the other two Grouped Turbot Fishes), and "
Empty mini-Rectangle" (EmR) for the other use.
In other words, we now have these two logical family trees which include all six kinds of Turbot Fishes:
- Code: Select all
Turbot Fishes
| | |
[Skyscraper] [2-String Kite] [Turbot Crane]
- Code: Select all
Grouped X-Chains
Grouped Turbot Fishes
| | |
[Grouped Skyscraper] [Grouped 2-String Kite] [Grouped Turbot Crane]
Here are some examples of Turbot Cranes from your original puzzle (a treasure trove of Turbot Fishes in general):
Turbot Cranes + Grouped Turbot Cranes: Show - Code: Select all
| 4 9 6 | 7 5 12 | 8 12 3 |
| 2 1 8 | 6 9 3 | 7 5 4 |
| 37 5 37 | 4 8 12 | 12 6 9 |
| 35 *27 4 | 8 12 9 | 35 *17 6 |
| 1 8 35 | 35 6 7 | 4 9 2 |
| 79 6 279 | 35 12 4 | 35 8 17 |
| 59 3 159 | 2 7 6 | 19 4 8 |
| 6 4 79 | 1 3 8 | 29 *27 5 |
| 8 2-7 127 | 9 4 5 | 6 3 *17 |
Turbot Crane: (7)r4c2 = r4c8 - r8c8 = (7)r9c9 => -7 r9c2
- Code: Select all
| 4 9 6 | 7 5 12 | 8 12 3 |
| 2 1 8 | 6 9 3 | 7 5 4 |
| 37 5 37 | 4 8 12 | 12 6 9 |
| 35 *27 4 | 8 12 9 | 35 *17 6 |
| 1 8 35 | 35 6 7 | 4 9 2 |
| 79 6 279 | 35 12 4 | 35 8 *17 |
| 59 3 159 | 2 7 6 | 19 4 8 |
| 6 4 79 | 1 3 8 | 29 27 5 |
| 8 *27 127 | 9 4 5 | 6 3 1-7 |
Turbot Crane: (7)r9c2 = r4c2 - r4c8 = (7)r6c9 => -7 r9c9
- Code: Select all
| 4 9 6 | 7 5 12 | 8 12 3 |
| 2 1 8 | 6 9 3 | 7 5 4 |
| 37 5 37 | 4 8 12 | 12 6 9 |
| 35 *27 4 | 8 12 9 | 35 1-7 6 |
| 1 8 35 | 35 6 7 | 4 9 2 |
| 79 6 279 | 35 12 4 | 35 8 17 |
| 59 3 159 | 2 7 6 | 19 4 8 |
| 6 4 79 | 1 3 8 | 29 *27 5 |
| 8 *27 127 | 9 4 5 | 6 3 *17 |
Turbot Crane: (7)r4c2 = r9c2 - r9c9 = (7)r8c8 => -7 r4c8
- Code: Select all
| 4 9 6 | 7 5 12 | 8 12 3 |
| 2 1 8 | 6 9 3 | 7 5 4 |
| 37 5 37 | 4 8 12 | 12 6 9 |
| 35 27 4 | 8 12 9 | 35 *17 6 |
| 1 8 35 | 35 6 7 | 4 9 2 |
| 79 6 29-7 | 35 12 4 | 35 8 *17 |
| 59 3 159 | 2 7 6 | 19 4 8 |
| 6 4 *79 | 1 3 8 | 29 *27 5 |
| 8 27 127 | 9 4 5 | 6 3 17 |
Turbot Crane: (7)r8c3 = r8c8 - r4c8 = (7)r6c9 => -7 r6c3
- Code: Select all
| 4 9 6 | 7 5 12 | 8 12 3 |
| 2 1 8 | 6 9 3 | 7 5 4 |
| 37 5 37 | 4 8 12 | 12 6 9 |
| 35 27 4 | 8 12 9 | 35 17 6 |
| 1 8 35 | 35 6 7 | 4 9 2 |
| 79 6 29-7 | 35 12 4 | 35 8 *17 |
| 59 3 159 | 2 7 6 | 19 4 8 |
| 6 4 *79 | 1 3 8 | 29 27 5 |
| 8 *27 *127 | 9 4 5 | 6 3 *17 |
Grouped Turbot Crane: (7)r6c9 = r9c9 - r9c23 = (7)r8c3 => -7 r6c3
- Code: Select all
| 4 9 6 | 7 5 12 | 8 12 3 |
| 2 1 8 | 6 9 3 | 7 5 4 |
| 37 5 37 | 4 8 12 | 12 6 9 |
| 35 *27 4 | 8 12 9 | 35 17 6 |
| 1 8 35 | 35 6 7 | 4 9 2 |
| *79 6 *279 | 35 12 4 | 35 8 *17 |
| 59 3 159 | 2 7 6 | 19 4 8 |
| 6 4 79 | 1 3 8 | 29 27 5 |
| 8 2-7 127 | 9 4 5 | 6 3 *17 |
Grouped Turbot Crane: (7)r9c9 = r6c9 - r6c13 = (7)r4c2 => -7 r9c2
Personally I used uniqueness r34c46 to remove the 1's from r4c46 to solve the puzzle, but I find it helpful and educative to try multiple endings and thus to look at different patterns.
Yes, that's always a good idea! You learn much more if you're not satisfied with the first pattern you find.
SpAce wrote:Both Hodoku and SudokuWiki are capable of dealing with BUG+1 only. They can't find any higher variants.
Cool, I did not know. But I guess it makes sense? Else we could be running into puzzles where the computer applies BUG+N where N is extremely high, only because as a computer it's so efficient at finding the common digit.
It makes sense for very high Ns, but low Ns (like 1..5) are actually often very easy for humans. The fact that most software solvers don't use anything but +1 is a weakness, because it means they can't solve some puzzles as easily or elegantly as skilled humans.
For a human, finding the common digit of a BUG+23 will at least be very time inefficient.
Exactly. But it can be an
educational exercise!
Big thank you, SpAce.
No problem! I hope you'll stay active. You seem to have the right attitude for learning. I'm glad if we can encourage that.