Pappocom wrote:Is it a hobby? Or do you hope to drive up interest and sales of your program?
Both, really.
On the altruistic side, I believe the puzzle deserves to be better known, around the world. I'm a puzzle fan. Further, I'm retired, and extra income - though nice - is not vital. Also, I'm proud of my puzzles and my program.
On the other hand, people won't buy the program if they don't know about Sudoku.
- Wayne
Well the appearance of the puzzles in papers has encouraged me to hand over my $14.95+VAT so it is working.

Most British daily papers now seem to have a suduko puzzle so they are certainly becoming well known - I missed the feature that BBC Breakfast TV was planning for this morning on the craze.
I know Wayne trys to keep his puzzle generation techniques secret but I wonder how long it will be before someone publishes a set of puzzles generated by the program and claims them as their own work.
Can you claim copyright on a machine generated set of numbers?
Are the programs puzzles 'different' from hand generated puzzles or those from another program in an identifiable way?