eleven wrote:What i don't understand now:
When i change some digits in this pseudo puzzle, i can get this one, which has a nice box symmetry (boxes 159, 267, 348), and - as i see it - is not equivalent. It has no solution for the same reasons. Why isn't it in your list ?
It is easy to understand - because I am wrong.
eleven wrote:I cant see, what you are out for.
You proved the ratio 119 503 485 completable : 1 non-completable 4-templates isn't correct.
Maybe the ratio 2 648 603 completable : 1 non-completable 4-rookeries is still correct.
There is chance that I messed up only templates with rookeries during my computation, but who knows...
k-templates which are the only representatives of its k-rookery are not uncommon. Maybe I somehow wrongly determined that this is the case for this template. I still keep the 10GB list with the 4-templates and can compress it somehow and send it to those who are interested.
BTW, at which "clue" in the
holdout's grid generation algorithm (thank you,
Danny) the continuation list will be emptied? Are there min and max "clue" depending on the choice of the 5-th template? (a different view point to the "15 combinations" discussed above).
eleven wrote:It is easy to generate puzzles, which have this template as option, mostly it is destroyed by singles early. These 2 have it after basics (found in 30 min):
- Code: Select all
Yes, "mostly". Maybe it couldn't be determined w/o years of computations whether the puzzles having this template as an option in the solution path trend to be harder than average.