Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:34 am

Just want to introduce a new way to play sudoku that very soon will be available on iTunes and GooglePlay for iPhone, iPads and Android smartphones and tablets.

We are racing with time to finish the app and get it out to the world. The release date will soon be announced, but hopefully it will be in the next few weeks.

This is unlike any other implementation of sudoku out there.

1) it uses colors instead of numbers
2) the grid is wrapped on a sphere.

Here are additional consequences related to this implementation:

a) you never see the whole game grid all at once
b) you rotate the Spheroku in every direction with the tip of your finger.
c) top and bottom are interchangeable
d) horizontal grids don't have defined left and right sides but are complete loops.
e) the cells are not the same size but are defined by non-euclidean geometry.
f) The colors are selected and placed by touch.

Some people say it reminds them of Rubic's Cube, but unlike the cube, you can never "learn the solution" and every game is different.

The concept started with simple questions -- What if the numbers were colors instead -- would it be easier or more difficult to get the answers? Then other questions followed and we ended with this wonderful new experience of the old classic...

The Patent Is pending. More info will be coming soon. Please help us to spread the word around.

Here is the logo, that also shows the idea.
spheroku-logo.png (51.88 KiB) Viewed 1913 times
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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby tarek » Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:38 pm

The Sphere presentation is nice. It definitely looks better than a cylinder which is what a Rt-Lt or Top-down wrapping would do.

IMO if you would combine both then you will end up with a doughnut and you can call it doughnutdoku!!! (Patent pending)
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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:31 pm

Funny you should have mention the cylinder -- The patent application covers all non-cubic 3d forms used as a base for sudoku grid. The thing is that once you start thinking "outside the box" this direction is obvious. This is why we went for the patent protection. For some reason the world has been "boxed in" until now...

The future incarnations of this game might have the ability to switch between different forms -- even within the same puzzle.

Our main message: Sudoku is on longer flat! :D
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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby tarek » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:26 am


May I direct you to this post:

Where me & Bill Smythe were discussing this in the Toridal anti chess thread covering:

Horizontal Cylinder
Vertical Cylinder
Horizontal Mobius
Vertical Mobius
Klein Bottle (Horizontal Mobius Vertical Cylinder)
Klein Bottle (Vertical Mobius Horizontal Cylinder)
Projective plane

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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:30 pm

Thanks Tarek. Great discussion! Now understand better your initial comment.
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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Smythe Dakota » Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:40 am

Hoo boy. Those were the good old days. The two of us just prattled on endlessly about all sorts of weird stuff. On re-reading that entire conversation, I just had to laugh at just about every post.

Bill Smythe
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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby tarek » Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:14 pm

Smythe Dakota wrote:Hoo boy. Those were the good old days. The two of us just prattled on endlessly about all sorts of weird stuff. On re-reading that entire conversation, I just had to laugh at just about every post.


This Spheroku presentation can be extended obviously to do the Toroid and even a nice Moebius strip

I can see Spheroku as a gadget which you could buy!!!

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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:28 pm

Just an update: The game is not released yet, but you can try 3 levels online now if you are willing to install the Unity player. (Don't worry, no spamming or any other problems)

Please help to spread the word :D

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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:15 pm

screen shot:
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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:32 pm

youtube video showing easy levels of iPad Spheroku and sudoku on paper solved on split screen
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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:56 pm

New additions to Spheroku:

1) Ability to switch between 4 options while solving the same puzzle.
2) The marks are larger and they work in all 4 views.

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Re: Introducing Spheroku(tm)

Postby Spheroku » Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:29 pm

Finally Spheroku got released. Right now it is for Android, but the iOS version is making it's way through the approval process at Apple.

This is the first day in Google play so it is still hard to locate it other then by the name "Spheroku". Since everybody on this forum is into Sudoku, I am very curious what you guys think of this new way new way to experience the game;

Here is the link in google play

And of course I appreciate reviews and stars added in Google Play -- this is the way the apps travel up in visibility...

Link t press release:
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