Hi h3lix,
What a GREAT puzzle

It took HOURS of PAINSTAKING effort, a box of pencils, a supply of erasers and a reem of scribbling paper; but I EVENTUALLY solved it. Ran out of midnight oil, though!!
Your puzzle ranks right up there with the most enjoyable logic puzzles that I've ever done (my favourites are a couple of real teasers: a mathematical cross-number puzzle called "Little Piggly Farm", aka "Dogs Mead; and "Self-Referential Aptitude Test", by Jim Propp).
It is VERY craftily constructed, with hard-to-spot threads and the use of clues containing either the most or at least a great many combinations. And there was an interesting hurdle to jump where I got stuck. Right the way through, especially at the beginning, achieving completion appears to be a very daunting task - GREAT!
For me, one of the most attractive features of your puzzle is the personal, rather than computer-generated, construction. Of course, computers can't generate anything without human input, but it gave the whole exercise quite a different flavour (akin to doing a cryptic cross-word puzzle, where the composer has gone out of his way to create something full of red herrings and stumbling blocks to make life difficult for the would-be solver).
FYI, I entered the puzzle into Indigo Puzzles' solver at one stage, hoping that their Assistant could help me negotiate the impasse that I mentioned before. However, the solver rejected the puzzle. So did KakuroWorks, which said that it had more than one solution (untrue - there is only one).
Now to check out udosuk's walkthrough to see how I SHOULD have done it, and how I could have avoided fumbling around and grinding away endlessly with countless sweepings and winnowings.
Anyway, I loved it. Congratulations!
Got any more?