I tried to solve an EXTREMELY EASY (!!!) sudoku - in the newspaper "Osnabrücker Sonntagszeitung" it is given with the difficulty "hard":
- Code: Select all
|. . .|7 . 8|. . .|
|. . 4|. . .|6 . .|
|. 3 .|9 . 1|. 5 .|
|9 . 8|. . .|1 . 2|
|. . .|. . .|. . .|
|3 . 2|. . .|8 . 5|
|. 9 .|1 . 3|. 7 .|
|. . 1|. . .|2 . .|
|. . .|4 . 7|. . .|
I only found out 2 hidden singles (r1c3 = 9 and r9c3 = 3) and a naked single r6c4 = 6... nothing more...so 54 (!!!!!) cells had to be pencilmarked ...
this is the result (but I couldn´t solve it...) - EVERY 6 months old CHILD could do...
- Code: Select all
|1256. 1256. 9..|7.... 23456... 8....|34.. 1234. 134..|
|12578 12578 4..|235.. 235..... 25...|6... 12389 13789|
|24678 3.... 67.|9.... 246..... 1....|47.. 5.... 478..|
|9.... 4567. 8..|356.. 3457.... 45...|1... 346.. 2....|
|14567 14567 567|23568 12345789 24569|3479 3469. 34679|
|3.... 147.. 2..|6.... 1479.... 49...|8... 49... 5....|
|24568 9.... 56.|1.... 2568.... 3....|45.. 7.... 468..|
|45678 45678 1..|58... 5689.... 569..|2... 34689 34689|
|2568. 2568. 3..|4.... 25689... 7....|59.. 1689. 1689.|
24 given numbers - 2 hidden singles found - 1 naked single found - it is LESS than NOTHING!!!
I hope that dealing with Sudokus causes for me:
- neverending headache
- neverending stress
- neverending frustration
- being extremely anxious trying to solve ANY sudokus
Again I need a bunch of tipps and hints - thanks in advance.