I Need Practice with X-Wing and Swordfish

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I Need Practice with X-Wing and Swordfish

Postby mooker » Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:42 pm

Hi folks,

I am reading through Andrew's Logic of Sudoku book, and am really enjoying it. I am currently at the part of the book that teaches x-wing, swordfish, and jellyfish. While I understand the theory behind x-wing/swordfish, I am having difficulty seeing them in the puzzle, and have to resort to the Sudoku Solver to show me where it is (maybe I'm not being patient enough, but I really can't see them!)

Are there any sample puzzles that people can post or send to me that have x-wings or swordfishes in them? I really want to get this strategy down before I move on to further techniques. Practice makes perfect, right?:)

Thanks all!
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Postby RW » Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:26 pm

Hi mooker, welcome to the forums.

Lots of x-wings can be found in the superior thread. Not all of them have x-wings, but many. Lots of swordfishes can be found in the superior plus thread, but beware, you might run in to some jellyfish there too. You can look through the later posts in the thread, mostly when people have submitted the puzzles they've also mentioned what techniques are needed for them.

If you have problems spotting these seacreatures, maybe arcilla's method could prove useful.

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Postby Pat » Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:09 pm

mooker wrote:Are there any sample puzzles
that have x-wings or swordfishes in them?

here's one with an obvious X-wing --
      [ 58 clues ]
Code: Select all
 . . . | 9 7 4 | . 6 .
 4 1 6 | 5 3 8 | 9 7 2
 . 7 . | 1 6 2 | 4 3 .
 7 2 4 | 8 1 9 | 3 5 6
 1 5 3 | 2 4 6 | 7 . .
 6 9 8 | 7 5 3 | 2 1 4
 . 4 . | 3 9 1 | 6 2 .
 . . 1 | 6 . 7 | 5 4 .
 . 6 . | 4 . 5 | . . .

for more X-wing puzzles,
see: "A Pure X-Wing Collection"

here's a Swordfish example --
tso wrote:
      [ 27 clues ]
Code: Select all
 9 . . | 4 . . | 7 . .
 . 6 . | . 3 . | . 5 .
 . . 1 | . . 8 | . . 4
 2 . . | 8 . . | 1 . .
 . 3 . | . 4 . | . 7 .
 . . 7 | . . 9 | . . 5
 5 . . | 6 . . | 2 . .
 . 2 . | . 8 . | . 9 .
 . . 6 | . . 1 | . . 3

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Postby Morgoth » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:15 am

Here are 10 puzzles where the most difficult required technique is Swordfish.

Code: Select all

And here are the more interesting 10 - Jellyfish

Code: Select all

Keep in mind that Jellyfish is rated as more difficult as Unique Loops, XY-Wing, XYZ-Wing and Hidden Quad. You may need to use some of these techniques to reach the Jellyfish
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Postby mooker » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:48 am

Thanks very much for the quick replies and examples! I'll get out my trusty sudoku pencil and give these a shot!! I appreciate everyone's help!
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Postby Myth Jellies » Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:01 am

My favorite way of looking at an x-wing/swordfish/jellyfish is to think of N rows intersecting with N columns. Think of the intersection cells as a fish group. For that fish group to be true, it must have N true candidates. When the fish group is true, then all of the cells that share a row or a column with the fish group cannot be that candidate. Conversely, if the fish group is false, then at least one candidate in a cell outside the fish group sharing a row with the fish group must be true. Also when the fish group is false, at least one candidate in a cell outside the fish group sharing a column with the fish group must be true. Note that if in one of these cases (rows or columns) there are no available outside candidates to share with the fish group, then the fish group must be true and you can immediately make any remaining fish group eliminations.

Thinking of x-wing/swordfish/jellyfish in this way will make it much easier to understand the finned x-wing/swordfish/jellyfish.
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Postby mooker » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:38 pm

MythJellies: I'm trying to wrap my mind around your description, but I'm really struggling. I want to understand it, because I feel like if I can, I'll be able to understand the whole concept better. Could you possibly illustrate your point with a sample puzzle?

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Postby ronk » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:49 pm

mooker wrote:MythJellies: I'm trying to wrap my mind around your description, but I'm really struggling.

It helps to realize "fish group" means the candidates within the intersection of the rows and columns. And for a fish defined by rows, "outside the fish group" means candidates in the columns but not within the row/col intersection.

Not as good as an illustration, I know, but it should help some.
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Postby Myth Jellies » Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:37 am

Lets start with the first one on Morgoth's list. At some point using the most basic methods you could get to here.
Code: Select all
 | 9      5      1      | 23     237    37     | 4      8      6      |
 | 27     347    2347   | 8      1469   169    | 79     5      179    |
 | 6      47     8      | 149    5      19     | 2      179    3      |
 | 158    16     56     | 7      1289   4      | 689    3      1259   |
 | 4      1367   9      | 123    1238   1358   | 678    17     1257   |
 | 1578   2      357    | 6      1389   13589  | 789    4      1579   |
 | 3      14679  2467   | 149    14679  1679   | 5      279    8      |
 | 17     8      47     | 5      1479   2      | 3      6      79     |
 | 257    679    2567   | 39     36789  36789  | 1      279    4      |

I'm going to remove the clutter and filter on the nines
Code: Select all
| 9  .  .| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| .  .  .| 9  .  9| .  9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| 9  .  9|
| .  .  9| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| .  9  .| 9  9  9| .  9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| .  .  9|
| .  9  .| 9  9  9| .  9  .|

Lets look at an x-wing first. Try the one formed by the intersection of r37 and c68.
Code: Select all
| 9  .  .| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9 %9| 9  .  9|
| .  .  .|#9  . *9| . *9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| 9  .  9|
| .  .  9| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9 %9| 9  .  9|
| . #9  .|#9 #9 *9| . *9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| .  .  9|
| .  9  .| 9  9 %9| . %9  .|

Now either the x-wing group (marked with stars) is true (has two true candidates), or both the group of candidates marked with '#' and the group marked with '%' must each have at least one true candidate. This doesn't look very promising, so lets try a different one. How about r79 & c28.
Code: Select all
| 9  .  .| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| .  .  .| 9  .  9| . %9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| 9  .  9|
| .  .  9| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| . *9  .|#9 #9 #9| . *9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| .  .  9|
| . *9  .|#9 #9 #9| . *9  .|

Either the x-wing group is true or one of the candidates marked with '#', and the single candidate marked with '%' must be true. We are getting closer. Perhaps if we added another row and column. Try the intersection of r379 and c248
Code: Select all
| 9  .  .| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| . *.  .|*9  . #9| . *9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| 9  .  9|
| .  .  9| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| . *9  .|*9 #9 #9| . *9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| .  .  9|
| . *9  .|*9 #9 #9| . *9  .|

Now either the swordfish group has three true candidates, or at least one of the candidates marked with a '#' and at least one of the candidates marked with a '%' must be true. But there are no candidates sharing a column with the swordfish, so there are no candidates marked with a '%'. Therefore the swordfish must be true and you can eliminate all of the candidates marked with '#'. Note as well that it doesn't matter to us if some of the intersection cells do not contain a 9. In the case of a swordfish, there just has to be enough of them to hold three 9's.

We also have a finned x-wing example in this grid, lets take a look at the x-wing group formed from the intersection of r48 and c59.
Code: Select all
| 9  .  .| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| . %9  9| 9  . %9|
| .  .  .| 9  .  9| .  9  .|
| .  .  .| . *9  .|#9  . *9|
| .  .  9| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| . %9  9| 9  . %9|
| .  9  .| 9 %9  9| .  9  .|
| .  .  .| . *9  .| .  . *9|
| .  9  .| 9 %9  9| .  9  .|

Note that we once again have a case where either the x-wing is true, or a single outside candidate, this time marked with '#', is true. Notice that whichever one is true (x-wing or r4c7 in sharing a box) you still get to remove the 9 in r6c9. This is an example of a finned x-wing, and they are not too hard to find when you are searching for fish groups. Note that this would work even if you had the following...
Code: Select all
| 9  .  .| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| . %9  9| 9  . %9|
| .  .  .| 9  .  9| .  9  .|
| .  .  .| . *9  .|#9 #9 *9|
| .  .  9| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| . %9  9| 9  . %9|
| .  9  .| 9 %9  9| .  9  .|
| .  .  .| . *9  .| .  . *9|
| .  9  .| 9 %9  9| .  9  .|

The added nine in r4c8 gives us an extra choice sharing a row with our x-group, but either choice still eliminates the nine in r6c9 as does the x-wing. Our r379/c248 swordfish is spoiled in this new grid, but the finned x-wing deduction survives.

The finned concept works for any sized constraint group. Check out our r379/c248 swordfish in this final modified grid...
Code: Select all
| 9  .  .| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| . *.  .|*9  . #9| . *9  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  .| 9  .  9|
| .  .  9| .  .  .| .  .  .|
| .  .  .| .  9  9| 9  .  9|
| . *9  .|*9 #9 #9| . *9  .|
| .  .  .|%9  9  .| .  .  9|
| . *9  .|*9 #9 #9| . *9  .|

The added 9 in r8c4 on this grid messes up the swordfish a little bit, but not much. Either the swordfish is true, or the "fin" in r8c4 is true. Either way, with this finned swordfish you still get to remove all four 9's from r79c56.

Happy fishing.
Myth Jellies
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Postby daj95376 » Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:15 am

Since mooker understands the strategy of basic fish, asking for additional puzzles for practice sounds wise. Since he has Simple Sudoku at his disposal, I'm assuming that he's done all of the X-Wing and Swordfish puzzles provided by Angus Johnson.

I don't have any advice on how to spot fish -- basic or otherwise. I find anything above an X-Wing very difficult to locate on my own.
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Postby mooker » Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:47 pm

Thank you Myth Jellies and everyone that posted in this thread.

As daj95376 correctly assumed, I'm having trouble "seeing" the swordfish. I can spot x-wings okay, but the swordfish is what's tripping me up.

I think I'll read Andrew's chapter on Jellyfish and then complete the above exercises. I'll get it yet!! I think it's one of those things that once you get it, you can see them easier (kind of like those magic eye puzzles!)

Thanks again! I'm sure I'll be posting in the future for more help and theory questions.
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Postby daj95376 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:38 pm


Correction: I do have advice on how to spot basic fish. Start your search in units with only two candidates for a value. Then look for another bi-location unit with at least one cell location in common with the first unit. If the two units aren't equal, then you don't have an X-Wing but you may have a Swordfish; so you need to look for another bi-location unit that has two cells in common with the cells from the first two units. If you don't find a Swordfish, then you can search for another bi-location unit that matches cell locations from the previous three units. If you find it, then you have a Jellyfish.

Why did I suggest that you only concentrate on bi-location cells? If you count the number of possible candiates in each unit of an X-Wing, Swordfish, and Jellyfish; and then sort them, then you end up with the following range of counts possible.

Code: Select all
X-Wing:    22                 -- only one case, so it appears with equal probability
Swordfish: 222  223  ... 333  -- the first is most common and the last is extremely rare
Jellyfish: 2222 2223 ... 4444 -- the first is most common and the last is extremely rare

Eventually, you might start catching patterns where one or more units have more than two cells for a candidate. Just remember, you can ignore all units with more than four cells for a candidate.

Happy Fishing, daj95376

Now, watch, someone will say I'm wrong about the 222 and the 2222 combinations being most common. Oh Well!
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Postby Myth Jellies » Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:53 am

daj95376 wrote:Now, watch, someone will say I'm wrong about the 222 and the 2222 combinations being most common. Oh Well!

Suffice it to say that only the rarest of fish will not have at least one bilocation pair. Your method will work fine in finding a marker for 223 and even 233 combinations as well.

Some theoretical stats, for grins and giggles:

For a r258/c258 swordfish there are only 6 viable 222 swordfish configurations, 18 viable 223 configurations, 9 viable 233 configurations, and 1 viable 333 configuration.

The number of viable configurations is not the only factor determining how rare a configuration is--configurations requiring more cells seem to be more difficult to achieve, especially after other basic methods have been resolved--but it is a factor, and I would guess that the 223 swordfish configuration is most common.
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re: Swordfish statistics

Postby Pat » Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:45 am

Myth Jellies wrote:I would guess that the 223 swordfish configuration is most common

that may make sense,
yet here are the reported statistics (in one small test) --
daj95376 wrote:
    Of 965 puzzles generated,
    I found 521 Swordfish
    with the following distribution for each type.
    (note: Some puzzles had more than one Swordfish.)
Code: Select all
222: 309
223: 167
233:  42
333:   3

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Re: re: Swordfish statistics

Postby Morgoth » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:40 am

222: 309
223: 167
233: 42
333: 3

I suppose the distribution will be different if the Swordfish is evaluated with lower difficulty and it is the first used method:)
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