It's quite safe to say that the Blackberry's "simple" puzzles do not require guessing to solve.
It's also unlikely that you can't post your puzzle here simply because it's on yr PDA. It just takes a little effort on your part. Folks around here need something to sink their teeth into, like an actual grid. It's up to you to provide that.
We'd like to see your puzzle. You could present it if you copied it to a Sudoku program, edited it to the point where you got stuck, and posted it here the best you can. I have done this with a puzzle from my Palm's quite possible, fun even. If you take some effort, I think you might be surprised at the effort you will get in return.
Pencilmarks are not considered cheating. Superfluous, to some sharp tacks, but certainly not cheating. If you feel bad about having a program generate them, then do it yourself. Most folks do. If your results are not the same as the program's, then you'll learn something in the comparison. The vast majority of solvers use pencilmarks without compunction.
As for guessing....the toughest puzzles in the world can be cracked with one or two correct guesses. It's almost absurd that Sudoku players jump the hurdles of logic that they do. It's the same reason a golfer will try to hit a perfect drive with an implement singularly unsuited for the task when a howitzer would accomplish the task much more efficiently!

Guessing?? Never, that's the whole point of the game.