I'm stumped: Sudoku Fun #27342

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I'm stumped: Sudoku Fun #27342

Postby chipe » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:14 am

Help, please. I'm stumped. It is this puzzle: http://www.sudokufun.com/solution.php?id=27342. Ihave been able to do every puzzle I started, some quite fiendish, but not this one, which everyone else did very quickly! Below I show as far as I got. Hope you find what I typed helpful. This is my first post asking for help. There are 9 rows below. Each row has 9 numbers or sets of numbers. A sole number is the number for the cell. Two or more numbers means they are the candidates for the cell:


Thanks for your help.
Posts: 6
Joined: 26 April 2005

Re: I'm stumped: Sudoku Fun #27342

Postby simes » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:25 am

Have a look at where 3 can go in blocks 4 and 5, and make eliminations in block 6.
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Postby chipe » Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:35 am

:D....... Simes, thanks, I see it now. Very good. You helped greatly. But I really don't have to look at the 3s in box 4 and box 5. I see now that in row 5, the only place a 3 can go is in row 5 of box 6. Therefore, I can eliminate all the other 3s in box 6; that is, I can eliminate the 3s in row 4 of box 6 and row 6 of box 6. .... .... ..... I'll do that now and see where that leads me..... ... ...... Yes, I finished it, or rather you finished it. Hooray! . .... .... ....... I have not studied the Sudoku software programs. (1) What works well with Mac OS X, Version 10.3.9, which I have? Does yours?; and (2) do these programs put in the pencil mark candidates? (3) Do they show the solving one step at a time?:D:)
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Postby scrose » Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:35 pm

Sudoku Susser is the a good piece of sudoku software for Macs. I believe it offers all of the features you mentioned.
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