Two sudoku puzzles were printed in the school news paper. I found the easy one to be just that, easy. The hard one seems impossible. I wrote down all the possible numbers that could go in each empty square. I even figured out a few things that were obvious, but it still left two possibilities. I've tested situations out where there were two possibilities hoping to find a confound. It didn't work. I eventually just gave up and looked at the answer. Anyway, I was hoping someone on here could demonstrate a proof that would result in progress from where I got stuck. Asteriks represent blanks.
**9 *3* ***
5*6 **8 ***
**7 *4* 61*
7*2 **4 *8*
9*3 *8* 4*7
*84 7** ***
*71 869 3**
*95 4** 8*6
**8 *5* 9*1
All of the numbers above were compared to the answer printed in the paper, and they are correct. Some of them were given and some of them I had no trouble figuring out. If you notice, there's only one 2 up there, and it was one that I ended up figuring out. I realized early on that this one was hard because a 2 could possibly be anywhere from the start.