I don't now where can I play??

Sudoku puzzles, off-site games and other resources on the Internet

I don't now where can I play??

Postby miskica » Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:12 pm

WHERE CAN I PLAY?? I don't now where to click??And don't now if I have to choose which of members or what?Please can anybody help me, I'm new here:( ??
Posts: 1
Joined: 17 November 2005

Postby MCC » Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:00 pm

miskica, you cannot actually play Sudoku on this site, it's basically a site about Sudoku.
It's a site that if you're stuck on a puzzle you're working on you can receive help and advice on techniques etc.

You can download the pappocom program free for a 28 day trial period, or if you look through the topics there are plenty of links to other sites where you can play Sudoku on site.
I'm sure some helpful person will post some links for you here.

Posts: 1275
Joined: 08 June 2005

Postby emm » Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:57 am

Click on the blue words for

1. The Pappocom programme
2. There is also a long list of places to get puzzles at the Sadman web page
Posts: 987
Joined: 02 July 2005

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