I doubt and I fear that I always need help from others to solve Sudokus FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE...
Here is the EXTREMELY EASY Sudoku, which I couldn´t solve (it´s from the website sudoku.spieleck.de - sudoku from April 9th, 2011):
- Code: Select all
|. 9 .|. . .|. . .|
|6 . .|. . 5|. . .|
|. . .|1 . .|. . 7|
|. . 2|. . .|. . .|
|. . 4|. 7 .|. . .|
|3 . .|. . .|8 6 .|
|. . .|. . .|. . .|
|. 7 1|. . .|. . 4|
|. . .|. 2 3|. 5 .|
Here is the VERY LITTLE part of my TRY of solving:
- Code: Select all
|7. 9. 358|23468. 3468. 2468|12356 12348 23568|
|6. 1. 38.|7..... 3489. 5...|239.. 23489 2389.|
|4. 2. 358|1..... 3689. 689.|3569. 389.. 7....|
|19 68 2..|35689. 35689 689.|4.... 7.... 359..|
|19 68 4..|235689 7.... 2689|12359 1239. 2359.|
|3. 5. 7..|249... 49... 1...|8.... 6.... 29...|
|25 3. 69.|45689. 1.... 7...|269.. 289.. 2689.|
|25 7. 1..|5689.. 5689. 689.|2369. 2389. 4....|
|8. 4. 69.|69.... 2.... 3...|7.... 5.... 1....|
With this 17-clue Sudoku I hardly found ANY hidden singles (only 16 hidden singles and 1 naked single) - so I had to pencilmark 47 (!!!!!) cells, but I am the ONLY ONE in the WHOLE WORLD who will NEVER BE ABLE to see logical steps ...
Any hints and tips are appreciated