HoDoKu Documentation English (for Offline viewing)

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

HoDoKu Documentation English (for Offline viewing)

Postby 1to9only » Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:13 pm

From elsewhere:
ghfick wrote:I can confirm that Bernhard Hobiger died in 2014. There was an obit posted :


dated 07.05.2014 [either July 5 or May 7 ?]

I had been in some contact' with him through several of the last revisions to HoDoKu until 2012. I think he had a number of plans for HoDoKu but he had advised me that he needed to concentrate on his 'real' work. In any case, he did not return to HoDoKu.

ZF Yang is carrying the torch with YZF_Sudoku. I think Bernhard would have been pleased with Yang's advances.


Because Bernhard Hobiger is no longer with us, the HoDoKu project on https://sourceforge.net/projects/hodoku/ is effectively locked out - there is no more updates to code and documentation.

From time to time, people post links to Hodoku documentation for more information about solving techniques. This is fine, but you need an internet connection to view the pages, and every time you need to refer to them!

If anyone is interested, I've packaged the HoDoKu English Documentation for Offline viewing here: https://github.com/1to9only/HoDoKu-Doc-Eng-Offline.

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